6. Each Night to Owe

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Salsa night with Prentiss, JJ, and Garcia was a better time than you anticipated. It helped that you were very liquored up. Prentiss wasn't exaggerating when she said that this would be "Salsa Night, heavy on the margaritas." After paying a pricey entry fee outside, you were granted access to bottomless margaritas.

So, of course, you had to drink your money's worth.

At that point, though, you were positive that the four of you had well surpassed that benchmark.

Garcia nearly missed her chair when she sat down after bringing the four of you your latest round of margaritas. JJ's face was flushed from both the drinks pumping through her blood and the exertion of cackling at Garcia as she hauled herself upright. Prentiss wasn't much different. And you were watching the three of them, swaying in and out of that haze, laughing along. Ironically, this was perhaps the first time you felt present when with the three of them while out like this.

When Garcia fully righted herself, giggling all the while, she shrieked, "Tonight, we drink like queens!" and passed out the next round of drinks.

Prentiss threw her head back with a groan. "Oh, no, I can't. I think I'll forget how to get home if I have any more. When I finish this--" she pointed to the half finished margarita still in her hand "--I'm cutting myself off."

Garcia pouted before turning her gaze to JJ, offering another margarita to her. "JJ, you're done breastfeeding. This margarita has your name on it."

But JJ also refused, saying, "Nine plus months of sobriety shot my tolerance, ladies. I barely remember what we were talking about before Penelope went and got the next round."

"Oh, we were placing bets on how much longer Y/N is going to be single," Garcia answered.

Now it was your turn to groan. You ran your hands down your face. "Guys, come on."

Garcia leaned over the table, grabbing for your hands to take in hers. You leaned out of her reach. "Seriously! Even Derek is settling down. As in, chocolate thunder, sexy man, the world swoons when he walks Derek Morgan. You have no excuse!"

You pointed an accusing finger at Prentiss. "Why are you going after only me and not Prentiss?"

"Hey, now--"

Prentiss was cut off by Garcia, who said, "Emily has already subscribed to her life of cats and solitude. There's still time for you!" At Prentiss' slack-jawed face, Garcia added, "Not that there's anything wrong with that! Cats and solitude is better than no-cats-and-solitude!"

JJ laughed, "That's not better, Penelope!"

"Okay, point is," Garcia said, "I know you have your whole 'Miss Independent' schtick going on, and I respect it, but come on! I want another wedding!"

You choked on your next sip of your margarita. Dating was one thing, but marriage? That was far from the ideal plan for your future. The idea of sharing every aspect of your life emotionally with another person was terrifying enough, but to have everything, from finances to families to material belongings, tied together?

Yeah, marriage definitely wasn't high on your "to do before you die" list. Neither was talking about your personal life or your life plans with the ladies.

So you buried your face in your hands and groaned, "Guys, please, can we talk about literally anything else."

"Alright, alright," Prentiss said, "let's take her out of the hot seat. But in a similar vein, have you guys noticed a change in Spencer lately?"

Oh, no. That wasn't much better.

JJ lit up, a grin splitting her face. "Yes! I have been trying to get him to tell me about what's been going on with him. I think he's seeing someone."

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