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[huge time skip. I feel like I spend too much time detailing instead of getting to the point. so I will just skip directly to the action. I'll probably only do this for this chapter tho]


"Namjoon?!!" Jungkook called. Clear anger filling his voice.

It was the last thing Namjoon had heard until he blacked out. He was in the middle of shoving the scantily dressed woman off of him when his door was pushed open. He remembered seeing the dark, disappointed look on Jungkook's face as the man stalked towards him, pulling him away from the woman, and throwing him onto the floor.

His body began to throb as he felt fists connect with his skin. He'd thrown his arms over his head to shield himself, but it didn't shield the blows well enough. Namjoon had passed out cold from the impact.

Baekhyun ran into the room grabbing his friend around the waist and pulling the man away from Namjoon.

The woman stood in the corner covering her bare chest in horror. She threatened to call the police. Pulled out her phone even. Baekhyun had patted Jungkook's shoulder going towards the woman and wrapping his arms around her softly. She shed tears. She was terrified at what she'd just witnessed. The man holding her had paid her to seduce Namjoon. This was more than she'd bargained for. She didn't expect this sort of violence.

Her eyes trailed down to Namjoon's bruised body curled on the floor. Jungkook hovered over the idol trembling. Eyes widened in fear at what he'd just done to the man he loves.

Baekhyun smirked. He smoothed the woman's hair from around her ear pressing his lips against the area. The woman froze upon feeling the contact.

"You'll forget everything you saw here. Understood?" The man warned. The woman watched as Jungkook kneeled down to gather Namjoon's limp frame into his arms. Her lips quivered.

".. Y- Yes.."


The ride was quiet. Neither men said a word. One, the driver, staring ahead at the rode infront of him, and the other staring down at the bundle held in his arms. They were lucky to get away in time. Namjoon's friends had been at a local bar celebrating with their fans. Namjoon had decided to go back to his room early because he had been too intoxicated to be around crowds on his own.

Baekhyun swallowed the lump in his throat. He should feel bad.. It was his fault Namjoon had gotten beat up like that, after all. He'd paid the woman to barge into Namjoon's room at just the right time he knew his friend would show up. He didn't expect his friend to just full on lash out like that, but what could he do? The damage had been done now.

"You won't be able to keep him at your place. Your brother will definitely find out.." Baekhyun explained slowing to stop at a red light. Jungkook ran his fingers softly through his love's hair. Tears pricked his eyes at the sight of the forming bruises upon the man's skin.

He wanted to scream..

"Your place." Jungkook replied holding the idol tightly to his chest.

He closed his eyes listening to the rapper's slow breathing. Baekhyun eyed the two in the mirror. His fingers clutched the steering wheel tightly.


Baekhyun lived alone. He was the last child his former foster parents had taken in, and they had grown fond of him the most. While the other children had come and gone, he'd stayed. Gaining their love and trust. Eventually, when they'd passed, they'd left him their family home. It was where he lived the entirety of his life.

It was Jungkook's safe haven. Somewhere he ran to to escape his troubles, and Baekhyun would always welcome him with open arms.

"Fuck!" Jungkook yelled spilling a bottle of peroxide he had. He'd been trying to treat Namjoon's wounds himself with shakey hands. Baekhyun had offered assistance, but Jungkook was stubborn. He wouldn't allow even his long time friend to touch the idol.

The younger male laughed. "Woah, it's rare for you to curse." Baekhyun said kneeling down to pick up the spilled chemical bottle. Jungkook sighed heavily pressing a damp cloth to a cut that was on Namjoon's lip. The older man winced in his sleep at the contact. Jungkook felt a strong urge to just scoop the idol into his arms and hold the other, but he knew it wouldn't help. His temper had gotten the better of him..

Namjoon didn't listen.

He told him. Warned him.

".. Why didn't you just listen to me..?" Jungkook whispered looking down at Namjoon's pained expression. The rapper was restless even whilst asleep. The maknae brushed a hand across Namjoon's cheek softly leaning down to place a kiss in the area. Baekhyun's fingers curled into a ball at the scene.

He placed a hand onto his friend's shoulder. "I'll take care of him. Go home for tonight." He assured the broken maknae. The man tensed under his touch. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay by the rapper's side.

"Jin will be worried. I'll take care of Joon-ah. Go, Jungkook." Baekhyun said in his friend's ear. Jungkook bit his lip watching as his friend grabs his wrist and pulls his hand away from Namjoon.

After Jungkook had left Baekhyun had stayed by the idol's side for the rest of the night. Tending to the hyung's wounds and checking on him often. It's not like he wanted to have to be so caring for the other man, but Jungkook wanted this. What Jungkook wanted, he got. No questions asked.

Baekhyun placed a cool hand onto the rapper's forehead staring down at the man's face. "Bad dream, love?" He whispered. Namjoon let out a heavy breath peeling his eyes open slowly. His vision was foggy so he could only make out an outline of the other. He began to panic, shaking away from the younger's touch.

"It'll hurt if you move around too much, you know."

"What? Agh-!" Namjoon dropped back into the plush couch upon sitting upright for a moment. His entire body felt sore. He felt heavy all over.

"Shit.." He cursed.

Baekhyun took a seat on the living room table facing the idol. He studied the man's face for a moment. ".. Are you alright?" He asked dryly.

"No! Who the hell are you anyway? You're not that little shit-"

"Watch your mouth." Baekhyun hissed gripping Namjoon's face in his hand. The older man's eyes widened staring at how fast the younger's attitude changed.

It was exactly like..

".. Where.. Where am I? What happened last night? Atleast tell me that much. Are my friends alright?!"

"Your back will hurt lying on the couch. Let's move you to a bed. I'm sure Jungkook will want to lie with you.."

"... Jungkook?" Namjoon repeated confusingly. Baekhyun ignored the reply kneeling down to put himself under Namjoon's weight. The rapper wrapped his arm around Baekhyun's neck gritting his teeth to keep from yelling out at the pain he felt. Baekhyun held onto Namjoon's waist tightly holding the other man against him as they made their way to the stairs.

Neither men spoke. Just the sound of Namjoon's low curses as Baekhyun's arm pressed against his bruises. "Step slowly." The younger demanded. He took one step ahead of the rapper to pull him up each step. Namjoon toppled a few times the way up, but was quick to grab onto Baekhyun before he would fall.

The idol began to panic feeling his legs get weaker beneath himself. He instinctively reached out to grab onto Baekhyun wrapping his fingers in the other's night shirt, popping a few of the buttons. Namjoon heard the other sigh heavily next to him and he turned to apologize only to see the younger with a subtle smirk on his face. The idol quickly turned away muttering a curse.

"... Are you hungry, Joon-ah?" The younger asked pulling the hyung up the last step. Namjoon kept his gaze elsewhere not replying to the other. He hadn't realized his stomach had been growling the entire time they were going up stairs. The maknae had noticed, but Namjoon had been embarrassed about ripping the kid's shirt..

(nothing to see here.)

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