Blood-lust | Killua Zoldyck Headcannon

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Killua isn't the average yandere. He isn't a romantic type, nor is he an affection one. Killua doesn't quite understand how his "love" for his darling works. His perception is quite skewed, and the way he expressed these pent up emotions is in an unhealthy manner. Even so, the only thing he craves in his life is his darling. And he will go to any measures to keep her with him.

Violence, Anger. The violence is almost immediate with Killua. He never shies away from punishing his darling, even for the slightest mistake. I mean, how else is he supposed to teach her a lesson? Killua can often be quite cruel in his punishments towards her, and his anger is not something to provoke. He tries not to get openly angry with her, after all she is the most perfect being  on earth. But, his anger does seep out towards other people. Causing him to have a short temper towards them, often making people think he is an asshole. But for Killua, this is better than getting mad at his darling. Channeling his burning anger out at other insignificant humans.

Possessive, Obsessive. Killua is quite the possessive yandere. Never once did he question taking her. He always makes sure only he is able to have the privilege to even look at her. He is always watching what she does; she never leaves Killua's sight. Killua has to know everything  of what his love is doing at all times, no matter what. So, most of the time when he is not home, he keeps her locked in up in her room to make sure she stays in her place. 

Killua knows everything about her. He often thinks that he knows more about her than she does herself. He would constantly stalk his dove when she still had her freedom, without her knowledge. Everywhere she went, even a simple trip to the market, he followed her. Especially when she was out with one of her male friends. If they had so much as put their hand on her for a split too long, he would make sure he would cut that filthy hand off of the dirty male. Despite his obsessiveness, his darling never knew he was stalking her. Either he was talented at staying hidden, or she was too oblivious and ignorant too notice...

Insecure, Needy. Killua needs to have assurance from his darling. He is always asking her if she loves him back, or if she wants to be with him. Even though she most likely doesn't, she has to say yes. Even though this causes Killua to be even more needy for her attention, it quells his anger for the day. She would do anything to escape his wrath.

Killua constantly seeks his darling's attention. When he is home with her, she is always within reach of him. His favorite way to be with her is by sitting her on his lap. He loves to cuddle her like a baby and play with her hair. Killua is always glued to her. No matter what. 

Despite always having to touch her in some way, Killua isn't much of a romantic affection person. Never once has he ever kissed or touched her in a romantic way. His darling finds it odd with all of his other behaviors that he doesn't act romantic at all. Killua often wonders if he even has the soul for romantic affection. But to him it doesn't matter. Romanticism means nothing over infatuation. 

Sadistic, Savage. Killua would never admit this to anyone, but he loves to punish his darling. Having so little control growing up as a child, being in complete control of another human's suffering gives him a high like nothing else ever could. Seeing her blood pooling out of a gash he made and hearing the satisfying snap of a bone in two makes him love her even more. Her facial expressions give him a pleasure like no other. Seeing her face distorted in pain fuels him. Killua's sadistic behavior towards his darling makes him crave her more, for he is the only one who can do this to her, and she is for him to punish. 

His punishments are on the cruel, sadistic, and barbaric side. Nothing is off-limits for him. Whether its snapping her femur in half, or carving deep wounds into her, or leaving her out in sub-zero temperatures. The crueler, the better for him. The worse the punishment, the more begging he gets to receive. The more brutal, the more his darling crawls to him begging for forgiveness and attention.

Killua is one of the most sadistic yanderes. Despite his lack of romanticism, he is equally as infatuated, if not more than most. His blood-lust for her runs deep, and nothing will stop him from getting his desires fulfilled. 

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