9 doctors

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Jaden pov:

I woke up and took a shower. I was gonna to see if Lily's ankle still hurts. I got dressed into..

I heard Lily call my name

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I heard Lily call my name. I smiled to myself because she called and not ant. I ran to her room and saw her touching her ankle. She was silently crying. I asked what was wrong and she said her ankle hurt.  I decided to take her to the doctor's. I took her a bath and got her changed into..

 I took her a bath and got her changed into

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I texted the boys..

J- hey guys I'm taking lily the the doctors and then getting food so what do yall want
A- chick-FL-a maybe?
K- sounds good
G- what's wrong with lily?
Jh- yea?
J- her ankle hurts really bad
B- aww tell her I said good luck
Q- and feel better
J- will do bye guys
TB- bye

I took lily to the car and buckled her up. We jammed to music the whole ride. She has a great voice. I wonder where she got it from.
(skip to the doctors)

D- Liliana Hossler, Liliana Hossler
J- come on baby that's you(picks her up)
L- okay

D- so what seems to be the problem
J- she is complaining that her ankle is hurting her really bad
D- may I ask why
J- she was running down the stair yesterday morning and feel down the rest and landed on her ankle
D- how lily can I check it and then we can get xrays
J- okay sounds good
D- so lily can I see your foot
L- (nods)
D- okay it seems broken but we need xrays to be sure so come with me

I was scared for her. I knew she would freak out so I brought her favorite stuff animal stichy..

D- okay, so lily's ankle is indeed broken so she will need a case for 3 month(just a guess dont @ me)
J- (sigh) okay let's do this then
D- so lily I need to put your foot up so I can put the thing to fix it okay
L- okay
D- so what color?
L- purple
D- okay let's do this
(He put it on)

This is her cast:

I thanked the doctor and left

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I thanked the doctor and left. I put lily in the carseat and went to chick-FL-a. I asked lily what she wanted and order all the food. I drove back home. I had to pick lily up because she wasn't used to the case. I got the food and unlocked the door. I called out..


Daddy's little princess (Jaden hossler)Where stories live. Discover now