Chapter One

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Okay, you nice people, this is my first chapter of the story and I hope you like it :) Since its barely the first chapter, I cant really give anything away or foreshadow anything yet :) Well, i hope you enjoy this first chapter :) Love you all :))

Chapter One

I was in the forest, listening to the beautiful sounds and scenery nature brought to me. It was beautiful, the most exquisite thing I've ever seen, before I saw him.

* * * *

"Brianna, you're gonna be late!"

"I'm coming!" Ugh, why is my mother so pushy.

Running down stairs, my brother decides to send me to my almost death. He puts his foot out right at the end of the stairs. Luckily, I caught myself before my face was rearranged.

"Brian, what the hell is your problem?" He smiled wickedly, and just walked away. "Just watch big bro, I will get you, just watch." He laughed. I went out of the house with out grabbing anything to eat.

I got into the car and waited for my mom to hurry her ass up so I wouldn't be late. Ugh, I dont get her sometimes, she tells me one thing but she does the opposite. Finally waiting after like five minutes my mom finally gets out of the house along with my brother. " Couldnt have taken any longer? Its not like I have a test first period ot anything?'

" Oh Brianna, stop complaining, you would do the same to us, so now shut your trap." Brian said.

"What ever Brian." I rolled my eyes at him. He just gave me this malicious smile. Ugh, I hate having an older brother, he's always right about everything. Sometimes.

Finally making it to school, I met up with friend Daciana and her boyfriend Josh.

" Hey Bri. How's it going?" .

"Hey Daci, hey Josh." I smiled at them. "I'm doing good. How about you two?"

"Doing good." Daci smiled. "Are you ready for toniht?" I gave her a confused look. What was I doing tonight? I had no plans. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"Umm...what am I doing tonight?"

"Ugh, really Bri? Remember we are going shopping after school for Delilah's party. You said you were going to come."

Oh yeah, that's right. I to totally forgot. I guess I've been to busy to remember. I don't even want to go to Delilah's party. She was the most 'popular' girl in this school and she's always a bitch to me, and Daci knows that. "Dude, I really don't want to go. You know that fucking slut doesn't like me, so why did you invite me?" Daci and Delilah used to be friends, but Delilah stopped talking to her ever since I came around..

"Because you promised. That's why you're going. And you're not going to back out on me right now. Today's the party and we still need to go shopping." I rolled my eyes at her, nodding in agreement. I did promise her, damn.

"Alright. Meet up at your car after achool?" She smiled.

"Yeah. Sound good. And thanks Bri, for coming I really appreciate it." She smiled.

"Well you better be nice to me for the rest of the days or I might just change my mind." I winked at her and she just smiled. I told them good bye and was on my way to first period.

Sitting in my seat, waiting for Ms.Stanton to give directions to the class, I smelled something. Something that didn't smell right to my little nostrils. I scrunched up my nose at the smell, it smelt horrible. It smelled like dry blood and...I don't even know. The blood was the strongest scent that I was able to pick up.

The scent just kept getting stronger and stronger, as time passed. I'm going to throw up if I don't get out of here. I got up and left my seat. "Miss Mae, where do you think you're going?" I ignored her question and left the classroom and went straight for the bathroom.

Reaching for the bathroom, about to spew all over the floor, I heard someone whispering. I stopped dead in my tracks, nausea leaving me instantly. I walked over to where the mirrors were and saw that Delilah and Daci were there. What are they doing? Hmm...

"Hey Daci." She turned around with a startled look on her face. I looked at Delilah and if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"Hey...Bri." She smiled guiltily. " what are you doing here?"

"It is a bathroom, so what do you think I'm doing here?" She just laughed.

"Yeah, that's right," she picked up her purse and said, "well I better get to class. I'll see you guys after school." And she was out of the bathroom in a heart beat.

I turned back to Delilah and saw her eyes roll back into her head, allowing only the whites to be seen. Then she dropped to the ground. Oh shit! What just happened?!

I kneels down on the floor and checked of she has a pulse. One, two, three...she has a very weak pulse. I should take her to the nurses. Picking her up gently, and heading out of the bathroom, she grabbed my face with her acrylic nails, and started to speak in a language I'm not so familiar with.

" Tempus duo oneribus pares, coniungi. Cum ambo Eliphaz sint inaequales veniunt."

I know, it's short for a first chapter, but tell me if you like it. Please comment and vote. And I should have chapter 2 up in about 2 weeks the latest. Thank you for reading! :) love you all!

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