🪐1: Whizzer finally has a damn job✨

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"I love you, baby
And if it's quite alright
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely night
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I've found you, stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you"

» ☆ Whizzer Brown ☆ «

A old 2003 Toyota Corolla pulled up into a bar's parking lot. The man behind the wheel was Whizzer Brown, an aspiring famous singer. He currently was too broke to afford any sound/recording equipment, nor did he have the right headspace to start writing music. He was extremely stressed, he only lived in hotels and ate fast food every night. Things were rough. Nonetheless, he still was able to make it to his first gig at this sorta popular bar.

Whizzer was beyond ecstatic, if that was even possible. He got out of the car and walked into the bar with tons of flare. He smiled at a few men and women who stared at him before making his way up to his manager. He learned how to set up everything for himself. Whiz acquired his "playlist" that he had to sing. He read through before stepping onstage, they were all jazzy love songs, which he was okay with. He was absolutely soft for love music, it warmed his heart.

Whizzer scanned the crowd before speaking into the microphone "Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and any others who go by any other pronouns. I am Whizzer Brown, a new singer for this bar. I hope y'all enjoy my singing tonight, I'll make it extra special." He held the smile from earlier. It was extremely charming and caught the attention of Marvin.

↠ ๑ Marvin ๑ ↞

Marv was a married man, at a bar, on a Thursday. Some say it was fate, others say it was Marvin being a asshole and abandoning his family after work. Personally for Marvin, this would be the best day of his life.

He was enjoying his 5th or 6th beer that evening when a special someone caught his eye. That was Whizzer Brown, a very charming and handsome man. Marvin knew he was way out of his league but he was going to try and muster up any confidence to talk to the man.

He felt bad in hindsight if he did so, because (In his definition) this was cheating. Blatant, horrible, un loyal, cheating. After all, he had a wife and kid at home, talking with this man could be the worse decision he had ever made.

Never mind that now because it turns out that Marvin didn't have to muster up courage or confidence. This was because the Whizzer Brown was singing Frankie Valli's "Can't take my eyes off of you" directly to him, while holding his tie and pulling him close.

Marvin had immediately snapped out of  his train of thoughts when this man grabbed him almost by the neck. He heard some whooping and hollering from the guests, this made him extremely flustered. The taller man in front of him started to back off after shooting a small wink to the smaller man. He dropped Marvin's tie and returned to stage, dancing and jumping around. It's almost if he had preformed here before.

He watched as Whizzer took the stage, making the bar feel different. People's moods changed, it was excellent. Marvin started to study the crowd, now that there was a mood change. There were a couple couples and single people, yet they were all intrigued by the singer. He also noticed that Whizzer had only flirted with Marvin.

Many minutes passed and Whizzer started to finish up his performance. He was singing a slow dance song. Marvin observed as couples danced and Whizzer encouraged them.

The married man was far past tipsy at this point, but he was pretty good at keeping composure. Next thing Marvin knew was that Whizzer was heading over to Marvin.

There was only the band playing now, again the mood changed in the bar. It went back to small chit chat but it had a sense of calmness now.

Marvin looked up, surprised to see Whizzer right in front of him. He looked way better up close. Whiz was wearing a pastel pink button up with some jeans, his hair was expertly parted and styled. Marv set his cup down to possibly greet Whizzer, he couldn't form words so he just stuck out his hand. He hoped whizzer understood.

Whizzer chuckled and shook his hand "not much for talking?" He questioned before continuing "if you didn't catch my name before, it's Whizzer Brown."

Marvin nodded and released his grip, tucking his hand back into his hoodie pocket "no, sorry, I'm just extremely drunk." He chuckled sadly. He never knew why he could form complete sentences and keep a calm composure under the influence of alcohol.

Whizzer nodded "huh... well...I could drive you to my hotel room?" He suggested "unfortunately I don't have a house yet but I-"

Marvin cut him off with a small hand wave "That's okay, it's fine. Don't worry."

Whizzer smiled at this, he held out a hand for Marvin. Marv gladly took it and stood up, stumbling a bit. Whizzer chuckled and helped him to his car.
AN: hey! Thanks for reading this first chapter, it's pretty short but I promise I'll make the next one longer.
I'm gonna add quotes from songs every chapter because I feel like it fits with the theme!
Special shoutout/ thanks to my best friend Eliza (that's her online name, I hope you know who you are 👀). Her and I rp this au as well as Whizzvin and she gave me the idea to write this! So thank you! Ily!

-962 words-

Adios! See you in the next chapter my friends!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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