I Never Wanna Leave Your Side

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Your P.O.V
It was a normal day of hanging out with the Wilkerson boys. Malcom was sitting at his desk doing homework and you and Reese were just chatting away. Reese smile and chuckles out "Oh man you missed it (Y/N) at lunch today this kid got asked to the dance and he peed himself! I mean she wasn't even that hot!" You laugh and roll your eyes. 'I wonder what kind of girls he finds hot?' You think to yourself. "What is you type Reese? Like your dream girl?" You ask barley thinking about it. What if it's not you wait no what it it is you oh god! "Hmm I don't know... I want a girl whose not super smart because I don't like feeling stupid but I had a hard time with Alison because she was just as dumb as I am. She has to be really funny and she can't be too uptight. I mean basically if you were a girl I would-" Reese stops his train of thought that he was just spewing out and looks at you eyes wide. His cheeks get red. "Oh wait you are a girl... I'm sorry I've just known you since we were little and I don't think of you like that and-" "Just shut up Reese... I have to go home it's almost dinner time" Malcom pipes in "I thought your parents were out on their date night tonight... like every Friday." Malcom raises an eyebrow at you "you're right the house is locked anyway and I don't have my key... well then I'll go help mom with dinner" Lois practically raised me so of course I call her mom it just slipped out one day and she looked at me and smiled. Ever since then it has just been what I call her. Lois even goes school clothes shopping with me. My biological mother just sends her checks to help out once in a while or she gives me direct cash. We've never been that close.

3rd Person
(Y/N) just walked out of the room and slammed the door. "Did I say something wrong?" Reese asked confusion written all over his face. "Isn't it obvious?" Dewey chimes in. Nobody really noticed Dewey was even in the room as per usual. He stands up and continues "she was obviously pretty upset that you forgot she was a girl. She probably has a crush on you and you just basically told her that you see her as a boy. You have no regard for how she feels!" Dewey says walking up to Reese. Reese scrunches his nose and punches Dewey in the stomach. "I care a lot about how she feels, you little twerp!" Reese says as he stands up clenching his fists. "Then show her that you care!" Malcom says frustrated. "You obviously like her I hear you talk about her in your sleep and you never do your disgusting pranks around her." Reese's face softens and he goes into the bathroom. Reese comes out with a big smile on his face and his hair is fixed up. And he smelled of cologne. "He really does like her" Dewey said handing 20 dollars to Malcom after Reese left the room headed for the kitchen.
Reese's POV
I walk in to the kitchen and see her chopping veggies her eyes have tears welling in them but she quickly wipes them away when she sees me and puts on a smile. It would have been convincing if I hadn't already seen the tears. I smile back and walk up to her. "Need any help in here?" I say addressing mom and (Y/N) but mom looks back at me suspicious. "What did you do? Did you break something?" Lois says, looking at me with her death glare. "N-no I just want to help. I love cooking cooking dinner" oh no she's onto me! I try to stay calm. She grabs my ear and drags me into the other room. "What did you do this time?" She says in a more angry voice. "Nothing I swear... I'm just trying to be nice to (Y/N)" I spit out "Why now? I've told you to be nice to that girl for 5 years and you still pull her hair and give her noogies. I think it's a little late for you to be nice to her" I look down kinda sad. I guess there's so way she'll ever like me after all the things I've done to her. Especially that time when we were twelve and I put the booger on her jacket. She just cried. She usually fight back but maybe I'm too mean. "I just want her to like me okay" I almost shout out. Mom looks shocked and I storm out of the family room. "Reese" I hear (Y/n) say softly. My heart instantly skips a beat. It happens every time she says my name. Even when she's yelling at me. I feel her hand on my chest and I look down and she's standing right under me. She's so close... "your thinking a lot... what's wrong?" She asks looking up concerned. "I uh yeah I mean no umm I have to go." She's so cute wearing her little apron and being concerned about me it like she's my wife or something. Heh that'd be nice. I brush her hand off my chest gently and run out to the backyard.
"I just want her to like me okay!" I hear Reese say with a surprising amount of emotion in his voice and when he comes storming into the kitchen he seems lost in thought which is unusual to say the least you stop him in his tracks and place a hand on his chest he looks down shocked and starts to blush. But to your surprise he doesn't move away. "Your thinking a lot... What's wrong?" Something has to be up he hasn't seemed so lost in thought since Wendy happened in middle school. He stutters and runs off leaving an Lois is shock. I look so Lois a she starts to smile widely. "He likes you (Y/n) he really likes you. I knew this day would come. Malcom will be president so he didn't need you. Dewey will be rich and have a wife his age but Reese... All he's got is you. Your his only chance at a happy future and I was waiting for the day he would realize that." She practically gallops into the bedroom leaving me even more shocked. I'm his only chance? She really has hope in me that's nice... I take off my apron and walk out to the backyard. Reese is sitting on the swings with his head in his hands. "Hey" I say softly approaching him he jolts up and wipes away tears. "I wasn't crying shut up!" You smile reassuringly "I wasn't going to say you were crying. But maybe I should think you were crying because of how defensive you got there. Wanna talk about it?" I sit on the swing next to him. "I can't with you." He says looking down. "We'll pretend I'm someone else. Maybe pretend I'm Malcom can you talk to Malcom about this?" I say as I rock back and fourth in the swings slightly. "Eww no he's my brother I don't want to tell him about my love life." Exuse me his love life? "L-love life? Who's the lucky lady Reese" why do I kinda hope it's me. I mean if it's not I'll support him but I'd be kinda sad at the same time. "Sometimes your more of an idiot than I am" he says smirking and I realize he's been staring at me while I was lost in thought. I smile and punch his arm and his instincts kick in he grabs my shoulder and puts his fist up. That's when I notice Lois and Hal is in their bedroom spying on us and Lois has a camera in hand. I smirk up at Reese and in a moment of bravery I kiss his cheek and he plants his fist on my cheek softly but his fist flared into a gentle caress and I hear the camera click and I open my eyes to see Lois outside her door "this one is going to be shown at your wedding" and before Reese could get up and run after her I pull him into another kiss craving more. He melts into the kiss and puts his hand back. "Ewww" I hear Dewey say and I pull back and Dewey and Malcom are standing there. "Quite smacking lips and finish dinner we're hungry" Malcom says and Reese tackles him and punches him. He pulls on Malcoms shirt "Respect her or you get pummeled" I giggle and walk over the boys on the ground and I hear all of them start to fight as I continue to cook diner.
      Once it's finished I look outside and all three of them are rolling around in the dirt I look at Jamie and sigh "promise me you'll be the good one" Jamie smiles and I go to the laundry room door. "You boys hungry?" I chuckle and they all scamper in but Reese stands in the door way smiling at me. "What do you want you smiling idiot?" She say pulling him in the door so you can close it. "Kiss me again... I need to figure something out." My eyes widen and I feel my cheeks get hot. Reese crashes his lips into mine and we kiss more passionately than before and when things start to really heat up he pulls away. "Yup your definitely a girl, I like you (Y/n) like a lot. Will you be my girlfriend?" I stay silent for a sec. "Oh umm yes of course" he smiles and leans in and whispers. "We can continue that after dinner." I blush harder and he walks away and sits down getting his food. "Dinner is so great (y/n)" Lois says and the boys all agree with a grunt and shove food into their mouths. I smile and sit down next to Reese. As I eat my dinner his hand goes on my thigh and plays with the hole in my jeans. "Remember that time we went skating down the hill and we both totally wiped out?" Reese says smiling at me and I can tell he's asking if these are those jeans I wore that day that's what the hole is from. "Yeah haha my jeans still have a blood stain on the knee. Mom couldn't get it out. I think it adds character though." Everyone at the table laughs. This is a nice dinner it's only about once a week we get a dinner this peaceful.
       "Are you staying the night Dear? I'm pretty sure your parents are going to want the whole house to themselves." Lois asks me with a slight laugh. "As per usual haha. If it's not too intrusive tonight..." I smile back at her. "Oh your always welcome dear." Hal says with his mouth full. "(Y/n) you can sleep with me" Dewey says smiling. "No Dewey she's sleeping with me." Reese says glaring. Hal interrupts  "She's sleeping on the couch like usual, you boys can not be trusted alone in your room with a girl." I finish my plate of food and take the boys plate. We go out to the backyard and play a game of jacket sack until it gets dark.
"Time to come inside and get read for bed" Lois says. The boys run in and you stop to talk to Lois. "I forgot my key and my house is locked... I don't bring any pajamas." I say concerned. "You can wear a pair of my old pajama shorts and maybe Reese can lend you a shirt" she elbows me and smiles I smile back and hug her "thank you so much for everything" she ruffles my hair and walks inside.
      She comes back handing me a pair of silky (f/c) shorts with black trim. They don't look that old though. "Are you sure I can wear these Lois?" I say taking them and looking at them. "I saw you eyeing them at the mall when we went clothes shopping and I got them for you." She says and pats your shoulder. "Thank you so much! I'll go try them on." I say as I skip to the bathroom. I slip them on and they fit great they are high waisted and perfectly hug my hips. I pull my hoodie back down and walk into the boys room and Reese stares at your legs like he's never seen someone's thighs before. "Can I borrow a shirt Reese I forgot pajamas and I wanna wear these clothes tomorrow." Reese jumps out of bed and goes through his dresser he finds a black long sleeve crew neck shirt with three red yellow and blue stripes across the chest. "Will this one do? It's newish so maybe it won't be too worn out or whatever." He says handing it to me blushing. "Newish?" I laugh "yeah well I mean I've worn it a couple of times but it's not a hand me down from Francis." He's being so sweet to me usually he would throw me the shirt and tell me not to make it smell like girl or my personal favorite 'don't make it smell all perfumy and boob sweaty.' I pull off my hoodie not thinking and put on Reese's shirt. I was wearing a bra but Reese just stood there staring. We used to change in front of eachother all the time when we were kids and he's seen my in bikinis when we go to the pool why is he acting like it's the first time he's seen my body. I decide not to make a deal out of it and hug him. "Goodnight Reese" I let go of him moving to Malcom and Dewey giving them weaker hugs and saying goodnight. "Do I get bedtime kisses?" Dewey says trying to pull his cute act. "When you were 6 that worked but your 12 now Dewey no more goodnight kisses." I laugh and Dewey looks disappointed. "Do I get a goodnight kiss?" Reese says and I blush but walk across the room and lean down as he's sitting on his bed and softly places a kiss on his lips. I feel eyes on me and turn around realizing the shorts show a slip of my cheeks and Malcom and Dewey were staring. "Pervs" I say and I leave the room.
I sit in the couch after it's all made up ready for me to sleep. I quitely watch some tv for a while. Reese comes out and sits next to me. He confidently puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. "I'm so glad you're my girlfriend now" he whispers making me blush. I lay down and hide my face in the pillow as my legs rest in Reese's lap. He lays down behind me and wraps his arms around me making me blush harder. "Can we stay like this? I can't sleep.." I say embarrassed he chuckles lightly "of course baby. We can stay like this all night long" he leans in closer and kisses my neck and whispers in a soft tone "I never wanna leave your side"

The End

A/N sorry it's so long I prefer to read lengthy one shots but I know some people don't. Soo it's all personal preference.

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