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Really short chapter!! I just wanted to update really quick until tomorrow!
The small boy screamed for help. Everyone stared, no one helped. He screamed and screamed. Until his voice went silent. Then they begin to laugh at him, calling the boy weak, useless, confused. The faces of the people were blurry, however they begin to become clear. It was his friends, the ones he considered family. They were laughing at him. It soon became pitch black again. A voice mumbling words repeatedly. 'They don't love you. You're nothing.' The voice whispers, chuckling darkly as the boy shivers with fear. "They only need you for your mediocre talent." The boy covers his ears, trying to block the voice. Then it stops. The shadows disappear as he looks at the figure standing in front of him. It was himself. However this version of the pale boy was much skinnier, taller, more demonic. Then the figure smirked. As the boy begin to shake, something pulled him away.

Awake. Yoongi shot awake as he looked around. He was still in the dorm, in the same place he was when he passed out. He looked around, trying to find him. He frantically ran to his shared room, slamming and locking the door. The small boy's body shook as he fell to the floor, breathing heavy. He clawed at his shirt, pulling it to loosen the hold it had on his neck. And then he saw it. On his bed, a teddy with the words "cupcake" on it. He thought he was just dreaming, that I was a nightmare. The man couldn't possibly be here, he couldn't be alive. Why was he back to torture his mind again? The boy stood up and grabbed the teddy, throwing it in the trash. He decided it was best to sleep, even if the thoughts followed him wherever he went. Strangely enough , as the male wondered around the dorm , the small bear appeared again, this time in the living room. He let out a shaky breathe as he reached for the bear again.

"Hello , my darling"

And once again , the boy shot up in his bed, heart racing as he tried to hold back those warm salty tears threatening to fall  like water droplets from a  leaky faucet.
Hey I hoped you guys enjoy this kind of filler chapter. I honestly forgot I had this book, and I wanted to say thank you for so many readings. Thanks for being patient with me!! I hope I can give you amazing stories to read very soon!

[updated chapter]


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