Theoretical Lies

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 Prologue-Very Brief

As you grow up, so do your thoughts. The mind can either build to greater things, or destroy itself, never prosper, and go to waste.

  I just came up with that, but its probably been thought of before. Nothing is ever really original unless someone claims it as their own. I consider this as one of those situations. Most people in this world like to believe that everything that is taken serious will eventually be nothing more than over reactions. What if something is meant to stay serious?

  I've realized that I attract very strange people...or i'm attracted to them. Every close friend that is made leads to trust, and trust leads to betrayal. Well, I guess its part of life. Let me just get to the point. I've finally been inspired and i've decided to write about what I think will interest others. Hopefully it does, at least. 

  Each character will be described by the disorder they have. Not that there is anything wrong with having personal issues, will lead us to understanding what a "Theoretical lie" is, or what I see it as.

  I'm lying if I say every character only has a "minor" problem. Many of the characters may have an issue that isn't sever in the beginning, but in the end...we'll see what happens. Some of these characters are based on real people I know, others are just figments. I'll never say which is which, so i'll let you decide. All the identities of the the true based characters will be changed into something more fitting to their traits.

  Let me stop babbaling, you can start reading not...if you want.

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