Chapter 1

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So I'm starting this back up because Kiss Her is over :c anyways not much of a change yet but hopefully soon :D


Ugh Sundays. I hate them to death! Why? You may ask, well I'll tell you why. This whole town is insane! Everyone is terrified of the woods that surround where we live. Legend has it if you go in those woods you are never to be seen again. The whole reason because of the legend is because some kid wondered into them and was never seen or heard from again. It also doesn’t help that people make up rumors about what they see in the woods or what they heard coming from them. This town is also the reason I hate Sundays. We are forced to go to church. If you aren't here on Sunday you are thought to be apart what lies in the woods. I felt a nudge in my side and looked over to see my mom giving me a look. I sighed and drew my attention back to the front of the church.

After what seem like hours we left and headed home. Mom and dad left to go get a few things and I headed upstairs into my room. I scrolled through my messages on my phone and jumped when I heard someone knock on my door. I looked up and saw my brother Joe walk in. He had a sly smirk on his face and his hands behind his so I knew he was up to something.

“What are you up to?” I wondered sitting up now

"Want to hang out by the woods tonight? Did you know today was the day that kid went missing?” He said

“Yeah, well thanks to that kid we all have to suffer” I rolled my eyes which caused a laugh to escape Joe

"Come on answer the question! Yes or no are you going with me to the woods?” He asked as he pulled out stuff to make a joint. I laughed then walked over to my window and opened it so it wouldn't smell up the place.

"Yes! Let’s grab a few friends and go” I answered looking down from the window

Joe smirked "Sounds good.  We'll do that but don't chicken out on me"

"I won't! You are the one who would freak out!" I said getting up and going downstairs to get a shower

Once I got out of the shower mom and dad where already home putting stuff from the store away. I got dressed and heard Joe in his room playing guitar. Dad banged on Joe door tell him to turn it down and I laughed to myself. I noticed dad's footsteps getting closer to my door and opened the door before he could.

"Joe told me that you guys are hanging out tonight so I just wanted to tell you to be safe tonight and stay away from those woods. Today is the day that kid Patrick went missing" Dad warned but I didn't really listen he said this every time I left to go somewhere. I nodded in response then shut the door again so I could finish getting ready. The knob on my door twisted and Joe came in again.

"I'm ready when you are" He smirked coming in the room and sitting on my bed

I finished getting ready then we headed downstairs quietly and to Joe's car. We jumped in and he started up the engine. He picked up two of his friends and grabbed one of mine. Then we drove towards the woods. I sunk in my seat a little because it was getting darker out and I never have been this close to the woods before.

“Getting scared Emily?” He laughed and I shook my head fast

“No! I’m fine!” I snapped back

I put my head in my hands till we finally got there. One of Joe’s friends brought beer and a few too many drinks later we were all slurring our words and just acting dumb. I don’t even know how the game started but we were playing Truth or Dare. My friend looked up at me with half shut eyes and asked me truth or dare. Stupidly I choose dare and she smirked “I dare you to go into the woods and find Patrick”.  I looked over quickly at the woods and shook my head no. “No? But I thought you said you wanted to do this”

“This was Joe’s idea!” I said pointing towards him

“Bro! Don’t go into those woods! I went in there once and saw like these glowing yellow things!” Joe’s friend panicked

“Yellow glowing things? You mean fireflies?” My friend laughed then looked back at me “Come on Emily! You just have to run in and run back out”

I let out a sigh and got up then headed towards the woods. I took a look back and everybody was motioning to me to keep walking. Even my own brother! I drew my attention back to the woods in front of me and let out a heavy breath. Taking shaky steps towards them I felt my stomach and heart drop.

“You got this Emily!” Joe cheered and I rolled my eyes

After another shaky breath and a few more steps I decided to just run in. I held my breath and ran forward straight into the woods. Once I was in there it really wasn’t as bad as I made it seem. It was just like any other woods…right? I heard something move behind me but it was probably just them messing with me. Bushes moved in front of me and I saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes from behind them. I backed up as they growled at me. Before I could scream I felt a pair of hands wrap around my mouth.

“Stay off our territory!” A voice full of venom hissed in my ear. The hands let me go and I ran back to where the group was but they left. I let out a growl of sigh and as I was about to look back to the woods but I felt a blast to the back of my head. I whimpered as I feel to the ground with a thud. I looked up and saw a silhouette of a person standing above me. Footsteps got closer and the pair of yellow eyes and another silhouette of someone else.

“I see someone lost their ride home. I guess we will just have to take her home” The same voice from earlier growled. I felt myself starting to lose conciseness then I feel arms pick me up and start carrying me but before I could see where this person was taking me I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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