10; Fly love

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Camilla POV:
The sun is setting and the sky is slowly turning orange. I sigh and smile as the warm breeze flows through my feathers.
I look at Jewel and Blu as they sit an awkwardly long distance from each other.
All four of us could feel the romantic tension between them from the party, and it was slowly killing our sanity.

-Pssst, Blu! Raffi whispers. Blu looks back at us.
-Closer, he whispers. Blu nods, but doesn't move. I groan, before yanking their chain a bit, moving him closer to her. He turns back to me.
-I got this, he says, unconvincingly. I nod sarcastically. He turns back forward and awkwardly moves closer to Jewel.
-Running low on patience? Pedro whispers to me. I scoff.
-I wish they would just kiss already, I say, making Nico chuckle.
-Patience Camilla, patience. He got a lesson on love, he'll be fine, Nico says.
-A lesson on love? From you? I ask.
-I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that, Pedro says nonchalantly.
-Listen, Brazilian women respond best to confidence! Nico says and spins Pedro in the air, dipping him. I look at them with a "really?" Look.
-You got that right... But you missed one small detail, I say and we turn to Blu as he awkwardly moves closer to Jewel again.
-Confidence is something he lacks... I say.
-Oh stop! Look at him! That's my boy! Raffi says and points to them.

Blu tries to put his wing around Jewel casually, but gets caught in the act, and I snicker. He quickly pulls back his wing.
-Is, Is it hot? I-I think I'm sweating, even though that's not biologically possible. Look! Blu says and holds up his wing.
-Oh, wow, Jewel says, disgusted. I grin and look back at Raffi.
-Yep, Thats your boy alright, I say and Nico and Pedro laugh at him.
-Ok, so he needs a little help, Raffi excuses.
-So, set the mood, he says. I raise one eyebrow.
-Oh this is gonna be interesting, I say.
-Alright, I'm on it. I know how to set. The. Mood. Check it out, Pedro says.
-get it get it get it get it get it get get it girl
get get get get get get get it girl
take her take her to the floor
show her show her how you roll
drop it drop it drop it low, drop it, drop drop it low, he sings and I laugh.
-Well sure, that's a mood if I've ever seen one, I comment, making him stop.
-Pedro, you're a bit too aggressive! Nico says and flies up to him.
-Not hating on your creativity, but I think I got this one, Nico says and and takes off his hat.
-Follow my lead, he says and winks casually at me. I roll my eyes sarcastically.

Nico then begins whistling a beautiful tune. Pedro then gets the hang of it and starts playing guitar with the wires in the trolly.
-Now that's more like it, Raffi says and flies away to ruffle some flower petals loose from the beautiful pink trees. They start immediately flowing by us and I smile. Nico then starts playing tambourine on his hat.
If this doesn't work, I don't know what will...

"Wasn't really thinkin', wasn't lookin' , wasn't searching
for an answer
In the moonlight"
Nico flies towards Blu and Jewel.

"When I saw your face"
He sings, before flying back towards me.

"Saw you lookin' at me, saw you peeking out from under moon beams"
-Wow... what a beautiful sunset, Jewel says.
-Yeah, Blu says.

"Through the palm trees
Swayin' in the breeze"
Raffi flies to Blu.
-Pssst, Blu! Tell her "you have beautiful eyes", Raffi whispers to him.
-Oh, ok, good idea! Blu says, before quickly turning to Jewel.
-I have beautiful eyes, he says and I face palm.

"I know, I'm feelin' so much more than ever before"
-Oh, um, yeah, sure, yeah, yeah, I... Jewel says awkwardly.
-No, her eyes, her eyes! Raffi specifies.

"And so I'm giving more to you than I though I could do"
-Right, Blu says.
-Your eyes. Your eyes are beautiful, not mine. I mean, my eyes are ok, but yours... I mean, you can see right through them, Blu covers up and Jewel smiles awkwardly at him.
-Good save, I whisper to Pedro, who snickers.

Nico starts the whistle tune again and I sigh happily.
-Blu! Just tell her how you feel, Raffi whispers.
-Jewel? Blu asks.
-Yeah? Jewel asks.
-I just need to tell you that I- That I, he says before inhaling a flower petal. My eyes widen in shock.
-Oh, how sweet, you're getting all choked up, Jewel says and turns to Blu, before seeing him not being able to breathe.
-Oh! You're actually choking! Jewel then says.
She puts her wings around him from behind and immediately starts to push the petal out of him.

Nico is too caught up in singing to notice.
"I know I'm feelin' so much more than ever be-" Pedro Stops him and Nico sees the scene.
We all stare shocked at them.
-One! More! Time! Jewel says as she continues to give him weird cpr.
Raffi joins us.
-Yep... that's my boy, he says. Nico then makes an exploding sound.

-You got that right.... I say. I then walk to help Jewel with her struggling. I hit Blu over the head and the petal immediately flies out and he begins gasping for breath.
-Thank you, he pants. Jewel looks shocked at me. I make an awkward face, before walking back to the others.

-Remind me to never do anything remotely romantic with any kind of flower petal, Nico whispers and stands close to me and I blush and smile.
-Trust me, I will, I say.

Rio - Fly Love (Nico x reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now