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I turn the corner trying to keep the blur of emotions flooding into me under control for just a few more minutes. Keeping it together proves a lot harder than expected and never would I have thought that I would get so upset about something so simple. All around the world people are dying kids are going hungry and doctors can't find a cure for cancer and here I am pathetically not trying to shamefully break down because I can't make a stupid teenage choice . Do I choose the boy of my dreams or the best friend who has been my rock forever since as long as I can remember. The look, a look like no other I have seen. If it is even possible to put so many feelings and emotions into one single long hard stare. I could never stab the girl who stood loyally by my side through all my toils an snares in the back. I can't loose a friendship like that over a boy. BUT this not just any boy. This ultimate topic of all our discussions and though he was not the hottest guy and not sporty. He is a guy who is mor substance than style and in my eyes he is perfect and now obviously my friends dream guy. It was never a problem because the guy was alway to shy to talk to us or maybe he just kept to himself , a character trait I find rather attractive. But now every thing has changed. The guy who we never thought would give us a second look has finally noticed me and I really want to take my chances with him. But I could never stab my friend in the back like that. She would probably for give me but I would never feel comfortable and I think it will make me live in a world full of never ending guilt. one simple choice is tearing me apart and my whole social and teenage life depends on this one choice. And then the flurry of emotions just come pouring out everything I have single ounce of coureage lets loose and I slowly allow myself to sink to the floor. The silent sobs sre the only comfort that I can have and though it is selfish and shallow of me the only emotion lefit is self pity and the longing for my best friend to hold me consoling me soothingly. She would now exactly what to say and give the best advice. But that is a luxury I just cant have. And as the reality of my current predicament sinks into me I realise I am going to have to make a choice fast because the guy of my dreams and the continuation of my friendship is just hanging on by a thread. 


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