Chapter 2

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   "Wake up! Come on Scarlett you have to get out of here." She heard a familiar voice as the woman patted her cheeks, the woman cursed when Scarlett struggled to pull herself from her slumber.

  "I'll leave you this bag, I hope you can make it out before he finds where I've put you." The woman said before she left the small room hidden behind a bookcase. The shelves slid back into place hiding the room and the woman with in it. Scarlett's consciousness slipped back into the blackness of her sleep once again.

   This time Scarlett woke with a start, she felt cold and sore as she sat up from the soft bed she'd been resting in. As she took in her surroundings she found that she was in a small room, the lamp beside her turned on when she flicked its switch and blinded her for a moment. She saw a small desk beside the bed with a small black leather bag on it and went to stand. Her legs didn't cooperate right away so she hit the floor. The pale blue hospital gown she had on felt scratchy against her sensitive skin as she used the edge of the desk to pull herself up on unstable legs.

  She pulled on the pair of dark grey leggings and black long sleeved shirt with a red and white symbol on it that had been sitting on the desk next to the bag along with a pair of mid calf black leather lace up stiletto boots that she frowned at. When she looked in the bag she found more clothes and a knife in a sheath at the bottom with a piece of ripped paper that she didn't feel like looking at.

  She strapped the knife to her thigh and moved to search the room. After going over the desk again and putting the backpack on she found a small note that said how to get out of the room and to be careful because something within the labs had gone wrong. She was confused about the labs aspect but figured she'd see when she left the room. She went to the flat wooden panel that felt like it should move. The note had told her that it had a small button on the wall near the left side that she could use to open it.

  "What the hell?" She wondered a loud when it slid open to reveal a large library. As she walked through it she felt something odd. It was like cool and small pinpricks as she walked toward the door out. When When she opened the door she found herself in a dark hallway. As she walked she felt whatever she was feeling getting closer so she slowed her steps slightly when going around a corner. She heard a soft moaning and saw a man standing at the end of a hallway were she needed to go.

  "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" She called out and he turned to face her. She felt the blood drain from her face as she stepped back. The man had a chunk taken out of the right side of his neck, this caused his head to fall back and forth as he moved. His outstretched hands reached for her and he was covered in blood. He was a sickly grey color and his eyes were cloudy like there was a thin film over them.

  "Sir are you ok?" She asked as he got closer, he moaned lowly but otherwise didn't speak. She moved to help him as there was something clearly wrong but he grabbed onto her. The force knocked her off her feet and he landed on her and began trying to bite into her. She panicked slightly and put her left arm up across his neck but he angled his head a way that he was able to bite deeply into her forearm. She cried out in pain and before thinking about what she was doing and pulled her knife and stabbed it deeply into his head. She shoved it off and scooted back looking at what she'd done before turning her head to the other side, leaning over and throwing up stomach acid.

   "Oh god what have I done!" She said beginning to cry but she was able to get her knife back and quickly ran through the door. She also noticed that the cool feeling she'd had was gone as she ran through a hallway and out another door to a staircase. She finally stopped, gasping and wiping at her face before pulling up her sleeve to see the bloody bite mark.

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