The legend of maui

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"In the beginning, there was only ocean, until the mother island emerged. Te Feti. Her heart held the greatest power ever known! It could create life it's self, and Te Feti shared it with the world. But in time, some began to seek are Feti's heart. They believed that if they could posses it, the great power of creation, would be theirs. And one day, the most daring of them all, voyager across the vast ocean to take it. He was a demigod if the wind and sea, he was a warrior, a trickster, a shapeshifter, who could change form, with the power of his magical fish hook. And his name was, Maui. But without her heart, Te Feti, began to crumble, giving birth to a terrible darkness! Maui tried to escape, but was confronted by another who sought the heart. Te Ka! A demon of earth and fire! Maui was struck from the sky, never to be seen again. And his magical fish hook, and the heart of Te Feti, were lost to the sea. Where even now, a thousand years later, Te Ka and the demons of the deep, still hunt for the heart!"

An old woman held up tapestries with the monsters painted on them, as she pushed them apart to look at the children that cowered in front of her, all except two that is, who both looked up at her with bright gleaming eyes. "Hiding in the darkness, that will continue to spread, chasing away our fish, draining away the life from island after island," the woman poured black in on a tapestry that she held in front of her that held many island in it, letting the children watch as the dark ink spread like a plague over the tapestry. "Until every last one of us is devoured by the blood thirsty jaws," quickly pulled the tapestry from in front of her. "Of inescapable death!" She yelled at the kids. One of the two kids at the front giggled at the expressive old woman, while the little boy beside her leaned forward in interest. One of the children began to wail behind the two, and another fainted. The two children giggled, clapping at the story. The woman smiled at the two as she sat the tapestry down, looking at all of children, speaking in a calming voice. "But one day. The heart will be found, by two who will journey beyond our reef, find Maui, deliver him access the great ocean, to restore Te Feti's heart, and save us all." She looked down at the two children who looked up at her with wide curious eyes.

"Oh okay, thank you mother that's enough." A man spoke, another standing beside him. When the two children saw them they quickly ran over to them, their arms spread wide. "Papa!" They both exclaimed as the men picked both children, smiling at them before looking at each other. "No one goes outside the reef, right d/n?" D/n nodded to his friend and chiefs of the tribe, fixing the flower that was in his daughter's hair. "Right, we are safe here, there is no darkness." He booed his daughter's nose as she giggled happily. "And there are no monsters!" The chief exclaimed, accidentally hitting a tapestry, which triggered a domino effect, until the whole place was surrounded by tapestry painted with monsters. The children began to panic, running over to the chief for protection, knocking him over in the process. The chic tried his best to sooth the children but ended up having to call his friend for help. He put his daughter down a s he rushed over to help the chief. The little girl quickly went over to the pile of children and pulling her dear friend out who smiled brightly at her. A sudden light coming from outside, caught their attention. The little girl giggled as she grabbed her fitness hand and pulled him toward the tapestry, ignoring what the adults were talking about.

The girl giggled happily as she rushed out into the sand, turning to her friend who ran up to her, giggling and Lou aging as well. The little girl turned, her flower falling out of her hair. The little bit quickly grabbed her hand, making her turn around, he smiled brightly as he held the flower toward her, she smiled as she bent down a bit, letting the boy put the flower in her hair. She giggled as the two turned and saw a beautiful shell resting at the shoreline. The two held hands as they went towards it, the boy reached down to get it, the the tug on his arm made him stop. He looked where the girl was and saw a bunch of black birds flying around a certain spot, looking closer he noticed a baby turtle, the title attempted to come out from under he brush, of the leaves, but quickly pulled back. The boy looked at the girl, who wore a pleading face, before looking at the shell, a hum of debar left him, as he continued to look back and forth.

The girl watched as the boy struggled to get the leaf, she walked over, grabbing the leaf with ease and handing it to the boy. The boy held the leaf over the turtle as it went, while the girl chased off birds. A bird landed in front of the turtle, snapping, but was quickly chased off by the girl. "Shoo!" she yelled before turning around, and smiling, before quickly running over and helping the boy fight off the birds. The two looked down at the turtle as it wobbles on it's back. The girl squatting down and helping the baby turtle up. The turtle smiled as it made it's way into the the ocean. The two kids waved goodbye to the turtle as it swam away.

The ocean seemed to shimmer as they stare at it. The ocean moves back, revealing the shell that the two had wanted earlier. The two stumbled as they walked over to the shell, the boy picking it up, the girl giggled as she looked at the boy, she turned and saw another shell just like the one the boy had, she giggled as she made grabby hand towards it. She jumped slightly when the ocean actually moved back, but recovered at lightning speed. She giggled as she stumbled toward the shell, picking it up, the ocean immediately moved back, the boy coming and picking up the next shell. The two counties until they both had three, well the boy held two since he dropped one. The boy went to pick up the shell, and looked up at the turtle who waved to them as it swam away. The girl giggled, waving back to the turtle. The two looked up as the ocean formed a crest. The two tilted their heads at the scene, and the ocean doing the same. The two giggled as they watched the ocean coming down to their height. The gurl touch the water with her finger, a little splash of water going on the two as they giggled. The ocean suddenly wrapped around both of their heads, the girl giggling at the feeling. The ocean moved away, the two's hair in the same style making them laugh. The two stop when the suddenly see a green rick coming toward then, the flow reminding the girl of a beating heart.

The two reached out toward the rock, grabbing it at the same time, pulling it out of the waters d looking it it as they both held it. "Moani!" A voice called. "Y/n!" Another voice yelled. The ocean quickly looked up, before fixing their hair back, and placing the flower back in place perfectly. The ocean used a price of drift wood, and floated them back to the shore., lifting them up on their feet before the drift wood was consumed by the ocean. The two ended up dropping the rock as they looked for it. The two men form before busty through the brush, before sighing in relief, just when the girl saw the stone and was about to grab it, her father came and picked her up. The girl and boy struggled against their father's grasp. "No! I wanna goes back papa!" The little girl said reaching out towards the ocean, the boy doing the same. The fathers looked at each other chuckled before moving their kids do that they can face them. "I know, my little mango, I too once felt the same way." Moani's father nodded, putting his son down as d/n did the same. "Yes, but the ocean is dangerous, no place for a child, like you. You both sadly look out at the ocean, until your fathers grabbed your tint ands in their large ones, gently pulling you both along. "Now, let's go back to the village you two." S/n spoke with a happy tone. He glanced back at the ocean with a weary look, before smiling down at his baby girl.

1517 words! Haha! I told you that I would do the moana book!

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