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I do suggest you read HIS MAID's SON FIRST, to understand this book better.


The courtroom began to spin and I  felt like the walls were closing in on me. A dreadful feeling I couldn't shake had my palms sweating as I struggled to calm my raising heart. I shifted uneasily.

Sitting silently next to my attorney, and watching my life fall apart, had a bitter taste to it. And I could do nothing about it.

I turned my head and scanned the grim faces in the courtroom. Though it hurt seeing my father and cousin looking all scared for me, the sadness in the victim's family tore my heart apart. How did I become that person? I used to think I was raised better. Never had I imagined I would hurt anyone, let alone become a convicted criminal.

I can try to argue that I am not the one who did the stabbing, but deep down I know I made a mistake. And a life was taken.
There is no way I was going to escape prison, not after the murder weapon was found in my possession.

In the eyes of the law, that was evidence enough to put me behind bars for life, despite it being a setup and all... Luckily, my rich father and cousin hired tones of detectives who uncovered evidence, which saved me from the murder charges I was to face initially.

I have been going through the events that landed me here, and I can't help but grimace at how stupidly trusting I was. Helping Spencer hide the bloody knife was obviously a mistake, hence the obstructing justice charge hovering over my head.

I glanced at my lawyer when he nudged my arm. He leaned in and whispered, "Are you okay?"

" Yes," I lied rubbing my palms over my thighs, breathed deeply, and straightened my back. Just in time, the magistrate started the ruling, and I was found guilty of obstructing justice and sentenced to six months with no probable bail.

All the breath rushed out of my body. In as much as I expected worse, the ruling weakened my knees. I didn't even realize I had started crying, till I licked my dry lips and tasted the salty fluid. I raised my shaky palm slowly and wiped the damn tears away furiously. I stole a glance at my father only to find him staring at me with a stoic expression on his face. I attempted a feeble smile but more tears spilled out.

The court was adjourned immediately, and before I could get a chance to talk to anyone, the guards cuffed and dragged me out.

" Let's go," I hesitated so I could catch the last glimpse of my family but one guard pushed me forward, while the other held the exit door open for us.
I was led to an ugly-looking bus on the driveway, which had much bigger meaner-looking men. From their tunics which were identical to mine, I concluded we were heading to the same place, prison.

I took a window seat and huddled tightly in the corner, attempting to hide from their apparent glares. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the weird looks the guards were throwing my way once the bus started moving.

I desperately wanted to be strong, because I knew there was no way I was going to survive six months locked up, If I don't get rid of the scared boy persona I had going on. But every time I tried to chin up, I felt eyes on me which was uneasy forcing me to retrieve back into my shell.

"One by one, line up by the bus." A gruff voice pierced through my nervousness making me glance through the window. The first thing I saw was the high-fenced wall with electric wires mounted on top. On the opposite side, there was an older-looking building that seemed to stretch far east. There was no doubt where we were. I waited until everyone got out and I followed suit.

We were led inside in two queues, two meters apart to enable thorough frisking by the door. The search for any possible contrabands took a while before we were given uniforms to change into. We then proceeded to surrender personal belongings with the promise of getting them once the sentence is completed.


I pocketed my hands and hung my head low as we walked down the hall for briefing. The smell of the cheap detergent which clung to the floors, made my stomach churn. I have no idea how I will survive in this place.

The warden's booming voice caught my attention. I hesitantly raised my head and my gaze landed on him. He was a muscled man, with a stance that screamed power and dominance.

His voluminous short black curls were neatly pushed backward, leaving his sculptured face completely in view. My gaze
zeroed in on his face as I took in his blank expression and disinterest. I assumed he hated his job, just as the inmates hated to be here.

As if he sensed my stare, his serious grey eyes gazed into my petrified ones. I gulped, my throat suddenly drying up. "...for your own sake behave, solitary is just a block away, and I can assure you two weeks in complete darkness is no fun." He went on speaking but his gaze was on me. A strange emotion clouded his stare just before he averted it and called the briefing to an end.

A guard who introduced himself as, Kane, led us to our assigned cells.

My worst fears kicked in when I got a cell with the scariest kind of men I had ever seen. It was a cell of four but it felt like I was suddenly tossed in a small congested bin and I couldn't breathe.

My palms began sweating while my heart rate picked up. I could have easily shit on myself but I hadn't eaten in a while.

I nervously stared at the three huge men, I would be sharing a space with for six months and saw death in person. At that moment, I was sure there was no way I was going to make it out alive.

' This is it.' I thought sadly. This is what has become of me, an inmate. And possibly a dead one soon judging by the cold glares my new homies were giving me.

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