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I was calm, and perhaps a little bit happy since I talked to dad yesterday. It was good to hear his warm soothing voice tell me everything will turn out all right. Not that I believed him, but it felt nice to hear him hope. Daniel had prompted me to end the call fifteen minutes and I did immediately, because I knew he had taken a risk helping me.

Dad had offered to reimburse his recharge, but he refused saying that he was happy to help. 


I am starting to enjoy the peace in this tiny room I am bound in. Though my body is still sore, the pain is manageable. 

I am supposed to be released back to the cells by tomorrow, and I'm dreading it.

I don't know what's waiting for me on that other side, although Daniel promised to look out for me. And some part of me trusts that he will do just that. 


Been three days of no much happenings, since I came back to my cell.

Mathew has been helping me move around 'cause I am still using crutches.

We've maintained the same routine; breakfast, Chores, lunch, recreation, training, dinner, and back to the cells again.

I spent most of my recreation time in the Library. It's easier to dodge attention, lurking amongst book shelves and blending with the elderly and sick, reading my life away. 

We were heading back to the cells, when a guard I hadn't met approached me. Martin, his name tag read. 

"Are you Liam Anderson?" He asked,

"Yes sir." 

" Follow me, " He instructed gruffly. I didn't have to question where he was leading me to, for I was certain of dad's visit today. 

When I got to the visitors' bay, he was sitting in a corner, hands on the table, fingers interlocked.

He raised his head as if he sensed me and our gaze met. He stood up quickly, and pushed back his chair, as I hurried towards him. 

His face hardened the moment he noticed my bruises and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Hi, dad!" I attempted a cheerful approach, but he just stared thoughtfully.

I went just in for a hug. His arms wrapped around me tightly, I flinched. He made an

attempt to step back, but I tightened my hold needing that comfort, only he could offer at the moment. 

"No touching!" One of the guards bellowed, forcing me to step back sadly. 

Dad shot his best glare, but the guy shrugged it off with its policy, bullshit and walked off. 

I could tell dad was not taking my mangled state well.  I smiled nervously as I sat hoping my ribs wouldn't act up.  

"How bad is it?" He asked, scanning each exposed bruise. I knew it would kill him, if he caught a glimpse of my stomach so I put on a brave face. 

"I'm okay, dad." I lied instead but of course he didn't believe me. I wasn't much of a liar. 

He stretched his hand intending to hold mine, but hesitated when he spotted the guard peeking at us.  "How are you dad?" I asked "Tell me about home please,"  I begged and his gaze softened. 

"Maria went on a date yesterday." he blurted in conspiracy referring to my nana.

"Facebook guy?" I remembered him mentioning Nana's mystery man on our phone call the other day.

"Yeah, Gerald is his name." 

He filled me in on everything, happening at home, leaving no detail out. Our satisfying talk came to a halt, when he once again tried to inquire about me. 

His pained and helpless expression, brought forth tears I was fighting hard to hold. He pulled his chair closer to mine and held me loosely as I sobbed. I laid my head on his shoulder, trying to calm my breath, until I heard him tell someone to back off. 

I lifted my head, and saw the same guard from earlier, towering over us. 

I pulled away, wiping my face. Dad didn't like it when I moved my chair, creating some distance between us. I didn't want to risk him getting thrown out before his visiting time was over.

"It's hard... So hard dad."  I finally admitted the obvious. 

"Should I file for a transfer? With all these bruises it's evident your safety is threatened."  He tried reasoning  

"There are no safety guarantees in prison, dad." I snapped. "How is Lex doing?" I asked about Alexander instead. 

"Your is cousin is well,"

"And the wedding preparations?" I was supposed to be the best man. Dad eyed me with the 'I am not supposed to tell you' look. 

"Out with it, dad."  

"I promised..." he whined. 

"Mmmm..." I gave him a toothy grin knowing very well he couldn't resist blurting whatever it was out.

" They have postponed the wedding." That's not what I expected to hear. 

"What? Why?"  Even as I asked, something told me I already had the answer. I will hate myself for this. Alex and Chris were really excited for their big day, and  I had to ruin it.

"Alex was the one supposed to tell you this..."  he trailed evading my question. 

"It's because of me, right?" 

" You are his only cousin, Liam. The brother he never had. You would have done the same, you know it."

"That doesn't make it okay, dad. They are putting their happiness on hold for me, it's not fair." 

"Without you there, Alex's day will be incomplete. Plus it's not like they are breaking up. They are still together and happy." 

" Urgh..." I groaned with a sigh. "It's useless to try and  reason with you."  

"You can reason with your cousin when he visits tomorrow," he smirked 

knowingly.  Alexander wasn't the reasoning with type, once his mind is made up...

By the time dad left, my mood was immensely lifted. He had also brought some good books that will keep me occupied for days. 

Before he left, he sneaked five hundred dollars to me and said I should keep myself safe. 

I was left wondering what he meant but afterwards it dawned to me what he wanted me to do.


I was led back to my cell to drop the books and joined others outside for sports. I sighted Mathew from afar and walked to him, with a small smile on my lips. 

I sat beside him, on the cold concrete.

"How did it go?" He knew of my fathers visit. 

"Very well," I couldn't hide my glee. We sat idly observing other inmates amidst light chatter.

Mathew took time explaining the reason why many inmates preferred crews. Apart from safety purposes, they had ways of getting whatever they needed through their goons. Dad wanted me to buy protection, and I will do exactly that. 

I scanned the probable candidates, looking for the scariest motherfucker to hire. Once in a while, I kept stroking my pocket and the feel of bills through my prison tunic gave me some confidence.

BROWN-EYED BOY ✔  (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now