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Hi, so this is a story based on a nightmare I had a while back which I wrote on paper. It basically involves my three worst fears: being alone, spiders, and needles. 



Eyes open, but all I see is dark. Blackness covers my eyes but I can't move my hands to fix it. Restrained. I am bound to a chair by my ankles and wrists. 

"I promise I won't run if you unbind me!" I call out only to be answered by echos of my plea. 

Slowly, my sight is returned to me. The black slowly fades to white. I'm in a white room. 


Everything is white. White walls, white chait, white clothes, white door, no handle. No escape. I strain to free myself but the binds on my wrists and ankles deny me my right. 

A single tear falls from my eye. That's all the sadness I allow myself. I hear screams and cries for help. It takes me what feels like hours to realize they're my own when my throat and lungs begin to ache. 

As my screams grow in volume, a small black speck runs down the wall. More emurge until the wall is practically black itself. Am I going crazy? Am I truly mad? Am I so insane that I picture black crawling down the wall and now onto the floor?

The specks grow in size and decend towards me. Its not until they are almost three feet away that I see what they are. I let out a scream and a stream of tears as my my nightmare, my worst fear, crawls towards me.


Millions of them, maybe more crawl up my legs. Their hair like legs tapping my bare legs, teasing me. I scream and wail, begging for rescue. But none come. The spiders are to my shoulders now. All of me is black. 

The door opens and a man stroles in with a white lab coat and a contorted face. His smile extends higher and farther than the adverage human. His smile is full of small, sharp, pointed teeth, ready to eat me...possibly. His eyes a distubing, haunting, glowing yellow. Poised in his long, boney fingers with long painted nails, was a needle. A needle full of a black sludge that barely moved despite the shaking of his long strides. 

He approached me. I let out a scream of, "Help me!" that even made my blood run cold. 

"Get the spiders off me! Please, please!" I cried as he watched me. 

"Don't worry child. I'll make all of your silly imaginary spiders go away. Just hold still." The doctor purred as he readied the sludge.

"Imaginary?! I can feel them! Get them off!" I screamed. 

I tried to yank my arm from his grasp but the bounds held me tight. Pain shot up my arm as the adnormally large needle peirced my forearm. I could feel the liquid pour into my veins, thick and cold. With each heart beat the sludge grew through my veins and with each heart beat everything slowly went black.

Black as the spiders. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2012 ⏰

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