waiting for your soul(soma)

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Maka's POV

I'm a mister. With a weapon now as a death synth. But now it had all change. I Maka albarn and im sad to say but i have fallen in love with me weapon, Soul Eater Evans.

I was reading an interesting book until i heard some banging in souls room.

"soul you ok i heard some banging",. I started at a frustrated soul with a box in his hand. It was morning so he was shirtless. His bare chest made me blush a little but i shock it off..

"Maka I'm leaving"

Souls POV

"what ", of choose Maka would be surprised but if I'm gonna be lord deaths new death synth them i got to be there at all times. So I'm moving to an apartment more closer to the school.

"I'm leaving because i need to be more closer to the school and lord death," i saw the Maka's eyes were looking more like glass.

She ran out my room into hers and locked it. I could hear sobs from the other side.

S much as i don't want to leave i have to.

I'll miss her cooking, her rantings on me, her emerald eyes, her adorable pigtails, and her soul.

Yes i love Maka since we first became partners but she would never go out with a guy like me, sure a smart guy with a passion for books like her but I'll still miss her

Maka's POV

I only came out of my room when soul was asleep so i don't kill myself from hunger or dehydration. Soul would be leaving tomorrow at noon so i had to come out of room.


Soul was carrying all of his boxes out if his room. I started to cry not only because i won't see him but now I'm gonna be alone during a thunder storm.

"Don't worry Maka I'll visit you every week,i promise," he gave me a kiss on the cheek and closed the door.

I was walking in a flowered meadow with the sun setting. I see soul there on a hill standing looking at the sun. I ran toward him hugging him. He pushed me of him to look at me in the eye."Maka you know what i feel about you?". I eagerly nodded and then came the worst."You were the partner ever. You are violent boring and a tiny tit girl". He disappeared and a the sky turned into a thunderstorm. I felt scared and weak. One lightning bolt hit a tree and i came gadling down on me.

I woke up crying from the third nightmare this week. After soul moved we never spoke to each other not did he keep his promise.

"Soul you broke your promise to me", i was now crying harder.

"No i didn't Maka", i turned around to see soul at my door smirking.

He walked up to my bed and kneel down to look my eyes.his red eyes look straight thought as if trying to find out what's wrong.

"Maka i always came when you were asleep because i can visit you during the day," he took this moment and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised on how soft his lips were. I kissed back with all the strength i had since i was still tiered.

We pull back for air but still looked at each other.

"I was waiting for your soul to notice mine," he chuckled as he climbed into my bed. I fell also on his arms that night and for all the other nights in my life

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