
205 13 3

A/N: This is set directly after first chapter


There was a knock on the door, the noise would have startled him when he was younger but now it didn't. It only made him wonder for a second who it was but it was immediately answered when the familiar voice of his mother called out. "Tsu-kun, it's late! You haven't eaten anything yet."

Right, it was morning. He needs to move.

He scrubbed his face with his arms, and coughed to remove the clog on his throat before he walked and opened the door. On the way, he saw the mess, dirtied clothes and magazine littered that he felt a pang on his heart at the image in his head of his tutor calling him and punishing him for not cleaning his room. It was oddly confusing that his tutor was still not kicking him from the mess he – his younger self – had created.

Focusing inwardly, he sensed that his room was void of Reborn's presence. It answered why his tutor wasn't breathing down his neck right now.

He realized then that his reach of sensing presence had shortened a setback for having a young body. It looked like training was in order as it wouldn't do him any good if he was caught off guard.

Tsuna peered over at his mother who still looked the same last time he saw her. The door only ajar to let his head through because he didn't want his mother to see the mess in his room. "I will eat later, kaa-san." He answered her with a distracted smile, his focus was on sensing the familiar presence of his tutor but it seemed that Reborn wasn't upstairs. Maybe he was downstairs in the kitchen?

"Ara? If you say so, Tsu-kun. Be sure to eat soon, okay?" Nana answered with a smile on her face before she turned and head down the stairs.

Maybe his mother could confirm that Reborn was really downstairs. It would really help him if he knew so he could prepare himself more. The brunet suddenly called out to her just as she was descending, "Kaa-san!"

Nana stopped on her tracked before she turned to him, a question on her lips. "Tsu-kun?"

"Do you know where is–" His throat suddenly clamped down before he could mention his name. He coughed to remove the blockage on his throat. Then Tsuna continued lamely, as if he hadn't paused, head moving to look around him as if expecting Reborn to suddenly appear while his heart beat faster. "…Reborn? I haven't seen him anywhere."

Nana had confused look on her face before she answered, "Tsu-kun, did you forget that Reborn already left–––"

The second the word Reborn plus the harmful word of left passed his mother's lips, Tsuna froze. He felt cold shiver slither from his toes to his heart in a suffocating hold. The brunet's mind connecting the word left to gone that his thoughts returned back to his time where they held Reborn's… funeral.

Memories of cold arms wrapped around him, not letting go even after his life had departed, leaving the cold husk behind and yet still protecting him beyond death. It played on his head that Tsuna's ears rang like he was submerged in icy water.

A single word runs on his mind with horror and vulnerability. He couldn't help but whimper.


Then his mind instantly rebooted in accordance to his denial.

Reborn didn't leave! Just when I get to… see him…again!

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