Chapter one : Starting Anew

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Scott had moved to LA two weeks ago already. It didn't feel like two weeks, no, more like a few days, as he had been so busy with unpacking and starting his new job as a security guard in a mall downtown. He had moved for a few reasons, but mostly out of desire for more freedom. He loved Arlington, but he wanted to try starting anew in a city where he didn't know anyone, and it wasn't like his family and his friends restricted him in any way, but he knew that by moving he would be more comfortable trying new things and finding himself. He would just have to find new people to give his attention to.

Scott woke up late that morning. He was more of a night owl and was still getting used to working a 9 to 5 since it had only been a week. He stood up from his bed so fast that he got dizzy for a few seconds and ran to get ready (luckily, he wasn't the type to take a long time to get ready in the morning), then grabbed a piece of untoasted bread to eat on his way out. Luckily in this situation, he always biked to work, because the LA traffic would have made him even later than he already was if he had a car.

As soon as he got to work, he was faced with his manager.

"I'm so sorry Julian! I don't know why I didn't hear my alarm!", Scott quickly said, out of breath from running.

"It's ok Scott, you're not that late anyway. Just punch in and start right away."

Julian smiled at him reassuringly, and then left to do his job. Scott liked his manager, from what he had seen as of now he seemed nice. The job wasn't bad either, it was a lot of standing around, but it payed a bit above minimum salary. He worked Friday through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off.

So, he started patrolling the mall. Nothing interesting had happened yet in the past week since he started. A few times, he had to tell groups of teenagers to be quieter, but nothing more. But again, he was grateful for a job that paid him for not doing much. His current favorite thing to do while working was imagining people's lives when looking at them. Their names, their jobs, or conversations they were having. Other times, he went to chat with Kirstie at the jewelry kiosk. He had met Kirstie on his first day, she had introduced herself because she saw that he was new, and they had hit it off from the start. She always told him funny stories and Scott felt a connection with her.

After a few hours of boredom, Scott decided to head to Kirstie's kiosk. As soon as she saw him turn the corner, she flashed her biggest smile at him.

"Scotty!", she screamed.

"Hey Kit. How's your day going?"

"Not bad, not bad. A bit slow, you know how it is. Not many people come here on Tuesdays. Seeing you here, I bet you're not that busy either.

"Busted. I'm bored." answered Scott with a chuckle.

" Well I'm glad you came to see me. You start your weekend, tomorrow right?"

" Yep! I do. Officially have been working here for a week today."

"Oh, even better! I was about to ask you if you wanted to go out tonight, but now it can be to celebrate your one week working here! It would be with a few of my close friends, I think you would get along well with them."

Scott thought about it for a second, but then quickly agreed to meet up at 10 tonight at a local bar called the"Midnight Erebus". He did want to make some friends, and would like to get closer to Kirstie, so it was a great offer, plus he didn't have to worry about drinking since he had a day off the day after. He had never heard of that club, but he didn't know much about LA since he just moved, he would see when he got there.

He spent the rest of his shift thinking about tonight. After work, he went home, ordered a pizza and waited. He started getting ready at 8:45, while blasting Beyoncé in his tiny LA apartment. He started by looking at his closet. He didn't really get to go shopping for his new LA look yet, and he hadn't decided what it was. He had been only wearing his work uniform and athletic wear since he moved, or his pajamas. He grabbed a basic black tank top and black jeans, a look he couldn't do wrong with, and dressed it up with a green and pink floral print short sleeve button up shirt (which he left unopened). He then started fixing his hair. Scott's hair was the longest part of his get-ready routine, but also his quiff was his signature look. His blond hair was getting a bit long, he would need a haircut soon, but nothing he couldn't manage to style perfectly. He smiled to his reflection in the mirror. He looked good. Scott wasn't insecure about his physique. He was tall, had broad shoulders, and he knew that he was attractive. He left right after getting ready, since he had to catch a bus to get to the club. He didn't want to be sweaty after biking.

The bus ride didn't take as long as he expected, and he ended up arriving at the club at 9:50. He debated on whether he should go in or wait for Kirstie and the others outside, but decided to go get a drink to get a head start. Scott wasn't shy by any means, and he was comfortable meeting with new people and made friends easily, but he would always rather do it with some alcohol in his system. There was already a good amount of people when he walked in, seemed to be the end of some type of event. He started walking towards the bar but stopped dead in his tracks just before reaching the counter. In front of him was the most beautiful human he'd ever seen. The man, the bartender, was talking with one of his customers and laughing, showing all his perfect teeth. His dark hair was mostly shaven, with a meticulously placed fringe in front. He was wearing all dark clothing, probably his work uniform, and his black t-shirt was revealing some of his arm tattoos. He wasn't very tall and had a very petite frame, but had an amazing aura that Scott was incredibly drawn to. The man looked in his direction and started coming towards him, probably to take his order. Scott took a step forward to reach the counter, but instead of ordering, he was left speechless, just staring at the bartender in front of him.

After a few seconds of Scott staring at him, the bartender asked, his lips curled into a light smirk:  "... Hi. Would you like to order something?". Scott was startled out of his daze by the sudden interaction.

"Hi. Hum. I would hum. I would like a Whiskey Sour please."

The bartender turned around and started making the drink he requested. Scott continued staring. The club lighting made the man look unreal, and everything about him was appealing, even to the way that he was shaking his Whiskey Sour. Scott was in shock over this encounter. He quickly paid for his drink, taking a few more seconds to stare at this ethereal individual, and then left to look around after leaving a good tip. 

Author's note: Hello, if any reader there is! This is my first story like ever that I'm posting online, I hope you enjoy it. I'll update as often as possible, which I'm expecting will be relatively often. I don't currently have an ending planned, so I'm not sure how long this will be yet. Also, I'm aware this chapter is very Scott focused, but it felt like this needed an intro, idk, I'm experimenting over here since this is my first time. If ever you notice anything in the story language wise that is incorrect or that I should change, you're welcome to tell me, I'm bilingual but English is not my first language so I'm expecting to make a few mistakes here and there. Alright! That's it. Have a good day :) -PeridotOracle

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