Chapter three: Tuesday

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        Note: HI! the names I chose for the performers are names I made up on the spot, if these performers exist, I didn't mean to steal/ this is not this person being referenced in the story. Have a good week! -Peridot Oracle

@LeosHemera. Maybe his name was Leo.

In he following days, Scott visited the man's Instagram page at least once a day. He also made plans with Kirstie to go back to Midnight Erebus on Tuesday the next week, in hopes of seeing him again.

Time this week couldn't have passed any slower, but finally the Tuesday came. Wow, Scott loved Tuesdays. Tuesday was the only day this week where work was over quickly. A bit before closing, Scott went by Kirstie's kiosk.

"Hey gorgeous! What are you doing in between now and tonight?"

"I didn't, but I bet I do now. What did you have in mind?" replied Kirstie.

"Can you bring me somewhere nice so I can buy an outfit? I want to look good tonight, and also start filling my closet with more fashionable clothes."

He had never seen anyone more excited. Kirstie loved shopping. And he later discovered that not only did she love shopping, but she actually knew amazing stores and all the employees that worked there. Being one of the friendliest people Scott had ever met, it wasn't very surprising, but it still was super cool. After a couple hours of shopping, they settled on an all red half casual blazer and pant combo, a few undershirts with fun patterns, and some shoes. Kirstie also decided to buy her own outfit for the night, a gorgeous purple dress, and they both headed back to Scott's place to order some food and get ready for the night.

They ordered pizza and put on music. They discovered and bonded over the fact that they both like singing and can do it well. Scott discovered more about Kirstie's childhood and what she likes. As close as they felt like they were, they hadn't known each other for long yet. After he finished his hair, and after much begging on her part, Scott let Kirstie put on a very light brown-red eyeshadow under his waterline and a little highlighter on his face. He wasn't one to wear makeup, but it did look great, though nothing compared to Kirstie. She looked pretty without makeup, but wow did she know how to go from girl next door to glam. Together, with a lack of better words, they looked cool af, and they matched as they both were wearing monochromatic looks (Kirstie was all purple, purple eyeshadow, dress and heels, and Scott in red).

They headed to the Midnight Erebus and as they walked in Scott looked around, but no sign of the man. He was disappointed to say the least, but he wasn't going to let that ruin his night. Kirstie and him got a table in the front row, more on the left side today, deciding that they would pay more attention to the drag show and hangout more while dancing later. They also decided to get drunk tonight, so they started buying shots, and when the show started, they brought one to each of the drag performers with tip on the corner of the stage. One by one, Luna Lovebad, Mindy Whore, Alexia St.Leon, Lily Minx, and more performed, and each time Kirstie and Scott took time tipping them and taking a shot with them. The host came out again after local drag king legend Ted Bear's performance to introduce the next performer.

"Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between, the show is unfortunately nearing its end. I know! It's sad. I agree. But everything will be better in a few seconds because the final performer tonight is one of our newest recruits and a fan favorite. Make some noise for our own mistress of the dark and creature of twilight, goddess of the night herself, Nyx!"

"Oh! Like the makeup!" whispered Kirstie.

Every light in the club turned off, and a dim spotlight illuminated the stage. The introduction to Two Weeks by FKA twigs started playing and Nyx came on stage. She had a tight ponytail of black hair and a black leather looking bodysuit and the highest heels Scott had ever seen. Nyx locked her gaze with his and his heart dropped. She really was gorgeous, but he felt something more. She slowly went down the stage to where the public was sitting, and walked directly towards Scott, and whispered in his ear "come with me and bring your chair with you". One hand holding hers, the other holding the chair, Scott ended up sitting on stage? He could see Kirstie who stared at him in shock, but also dying of laughter that her friend was going to get a lap dance from a drag queen at a bar. She quickly took her phone out to film of course, as Nyx started circling around him, hand on his chest, lip-syncing with a light smirk. She sat on his lap, put his hands on her legs and whispered to him "hold me tight", then dove backwards to look at the audience while being upside down. Scott was embarrassed, shocked, entertained, and definitely a little turned on. She then came off him, told him he could go back to his seat, and finished her sexy number on stage. Scott was bright red and Kirstie didn't miss the opportunity to tease him for it. After the number was over, the host called Scott back on stage and got the three of them a shot each that they took together on stage. Nyx looked him up and down and smiled a satisfied smirk.

After the show, Scott drank even more, to drown the light embarrassment, and then he and Kirstie danced, and danced, and danced, more. The performers came to dance a little bit with everyone in the club, which was almost full, but then went to the bar and drank together for the whole night. At the end of the night, they had had a great time and started heading out. As they walked out of Midnight Erebus, Scott noticed, across the street, someone sat on the side of the crosswalk, upset on the phone, smoking a cigarette. It looked... like Nyx. She hung up and stayed sitting there, looking slightly distressed.

Something came over Scott and on a weird instinct, he told Kirstie that she should go home first and that he'd text her tomorrow, that he'd sit and breathe some fresh air before calling a cab. After Kirstie left, he got up, and started walking towards Nyx.

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