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"Hi, Zain," Harry says loudly, hugging Zain tightly before turning to the man hovering just behind him. "This is Matt, my soulmate," he introduces, sounding slightly giddy, but keeping a hand on Zain's arm.

"Good to meet you," Zain smiles, shaking Matt's hand. Harry keeps holding onto it even as they shake and part and Zain wonders if maybe he has misinterpreted their past interactions. Maybe Harry liked touching everyone in a way vein people like Zain might interpret as a come on. Maybe he was too sure of himself and Harry and just been trying to make a friend.

"You as well," Matt says, pulling Harry against his side and kissing his neck. "I'm getting another beer, want anything, rockstar?"

Zain wrinkles his nose slightly at the nickname, but then, Matt wasn't his soulmate for a reason. Maybe Harry liked it.

"A beer sounds good, thank you, babe," Harry says, taking Zain's hand and pulling him towards the table. "Niall, this is Zain, I told you about him, yea?"

"Yea," Niall says, holding out his fist. Zain fist bumps him in amusement.

"Niall is helping me catch the butter thief," Harry explains, wrapping his arms around Niall's shoulders. "He's the best." He kisses the side of Niall's head like a proud mum.

"How is that going?" Zain asks. "Any clues? Any suspects?"

"Well," Niall says, tapping his nose. "The butter thievery started this year so we have narrowed it down to the two new people in our complex. One is on steroids or something because we shared a class with him last year and he was like this," he holds his fingers apart to show Zain how thin this person had been. "And now he's a proper gym rat with muscles everywhere." He nods sagely. "And the other is just weird and looks like she could be a butter thief."

"How do you look like a butter thief?" Zain laughs, amused by Niall. He has a nice way of telling stories, and an approachable way about him, making it easy to engage even when Zain usually takes a bit to warm up.

"You have an air!" Harry says grandly, leaning forward to take his beer off Matt.

"An air of being a butter thief?" Zain laughs outright now. "How does that work?"

"It just works!" Niall nods.

"Are you talking about the butter again?" Matt asks. "It's just butter, who cares."

"It's the principle of things!" Niall defends them, while Harry takes a sip of his beer, frowning slightly. "We cannot let injustice lie and also it's annoying to keep buying butter."

"Plus it's fun," Zain grins, bumping his shoulder into Harry. "That's why you're doing it, huh."

"Yea," Harry smiles, straightening somewhat.

"But I think you're overlooking a crucial point here. How do you know Niall isn't the thief? Didn't you mention he's new as well?"

"What?" Niall says loudly, clutching his chest while he starts laughing. "I am no thief! Take that back, you scoundrel!"

Zain snorts, acting like's he's been stabbed in the chest. "I am no scoundrel, you butter thief!"

Harry giggles, hiding his face against Zain's arm. "Niall wouldn't," he says seriously, like there is no doubt. "Niall is an angel."

"I am," Niall says, winking at Zain. "The angel-est. Who needs another pint so let me out!" he adds, pushing at Harry.

Zain gets up to let Harry and him out and Harry slides into the booth next to Matt. Zain still feels a short pang if disappointment even though he really should have expected that. "I'm getting a beer as well," he says, putting his arm around Niall's shoulder.

He stays with Niall most of the night and they get along well, but there is a slight disappointment in his stomach that Harry is next to Matt all night. He shouldn't have expected anything else really, because the invitation had been clear, but the disappointment is still there.

He ends up next to Harry at one point again and Harry links their fingers, confusing Zain. If Harry's soulmate weren't sitting right there, Zain would be sure that Harry was hitting on him, leaning into him from time to time and laughing at Zain's comments like they were hilarious.

It's a very confusing night, especially when Harry kisses his cheek in goodbye but he can't quite regret it. And Niall was a good lad as well and easy to hang out. He walks home with his hands stuffed in his pockets and wonders if there was some sort of moral obligation to keep his distance. But Harry has reached out to him again and Zain wouldn't try anything really, and it was always good making new friends, especially since he had a bit of a hard time doing so.

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