There isn't a day that goes by that I don't remember that I am... And always have been... Expendable.
I can treat everyone well. Be there for them. Love them wholeheartedly. Whether a family member, a friend or someone you love. At the end of the day... At the end of the night... At the end of the week, I'm not worth the time to remember. So in a week, in a year, in a decade... It's okay if you forget me.
It's okay. I'll be okay no matter what. Because I was taught by the ones who loved me wholeheartedly... That I should love. Wholeheartedly.
It doesn't change that each time it hurts. And it takes a little longer to recover the love I have for myself. Because that's my place... To help you... To help others refill their cup. Then refill my own.
Some things are expendable so that you can move to your higher happiness. Just once though... I want to be kept.