Chapter 22

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Hello my wonderful children!

Here's another chapter for you and i hope you'll enjoy it *Gives you cookies*You didn't get any of them in a long time :3


Jackson's POV


That's the first thing I felt when I ran into my mother's waiting arms.Strong scent of cinnamon tickled my nostrils and I hugged her small body tightly.She caressed my hair gently ,saying how she missed me over and over again.I suddenly felt a bit happier and lighter.Her small arms around me felt familiar.They felt like home.

''Oh my wonderful boy.''She said,cupping my face in her hands the second we entered the cozy house.I smiled down at her hugging her one more time,murmuring a soft'I love you'.We pulled away eventually and she wiped a single tear that escaped her eye.My own tears dried a long time ago.Somewhere on the flight to Hong Kong.

''Son.''Voice said and I straightened up to meet my father.He nodded at me but I didn't miss his slightly teary eyes.Without hesitation I ran into him,wrapping my arms around his shoulder before burying my face in his chest.He tensed when I embraced him,but soon relaxed with a sigh before returning the hug.I was used to him holding back since in the Wang household men didn't tend to show much emotion.My brother was the same.

I was definitely the black sheep of the family.In more ways than one.

''You must be tired honey,''My mom said in a tender voice patting my back,''Go to your room and sleep.We'll have plenty of time to talk tomorrow.''I nodded despite the uncomfortable crunching in my stomach and.With one last smile sent to my parents,I took the suitcase before going into my room.

Inside,everything was just the same as i had left it a year ago.

The walls were still painted in blue and covered with posters of American rappers and R&B singers.Framed pictures of myself and my friends were still standing on the nightstand beside my bed and the acoustic guitar Youngjae bought me for my sixteenth birthday was leaning against the closet door.

I sighed deeply as my eyes scanned every corner of the room,knowing that everything is there,but just making sure one more time.I left the suitcase by the window as I fell on to the bed bouncing slightly from the impact.I glanced to my right and a silver frame caught my eye.I took it in my hand and examined the two best friends smiling happily to the camera.

Maybe I should call Youngjae tomorrow.

With that thought plastered in my mind,and a sound of my parents quiet footsteps being careful not to disturb me,I fell asleep.


For the first time in a year,I wasn't awakened by Youngjae's snoring.Instead,it was the jiggling sound of plates and a smell that was spreading through the whole house,despite the closed doors of my room.

Than,another smell hit me,this time not so pleasant and after some time I figured it was coming from my own body.I was so tired last night that I didn't even bother to change into something else,so I fell asleep with my day clothes still on.

I dragged my feet lazily against the hard wood floor before taking everything I needed from my suitcase and entering the bathroom.

A pleasurable sigh escaped my parted lips as the warm water hit my skin.I could feel my tense muscles relax slowly and I enjoyed the  water cascading down my bare back.Before I even had a chance to put a shampoo in my hair, flashback hit me like a ton of bricks.


''Shh!''Mark said quietly,putting a finger to his lips,''Someone might hear us.''He failed at suppressing a giggle when I grabbed his hand pulling him to my side.

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