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My mom called me. She said that she wanted us to go hangout like old times. I met her at the mall. "Hey mom." "Hey sweetie how are you?" I guess I felt good. We started talking about how my brother was and how my dad was. Everyone's good. My mom think I have depression. She wants to take me to the doctor but I seem no different then before. After the mall we went to this doctor ahh his name was doctor.Witscher, I remember his name quite well. He told me to take a seat until he called me. He went through the list of names; Rebecca, Jennifer, Andrea, Lucas, Linda, Josh, and finally me, Sara. He started by asking me questions. First he asked me my age I said 15. Then he asked "are your parents divorced," and do you have any suicidal thoughts?" I said yes for the first question and no for the second. He took some tests on me and he said that I had 90% Chance of depression. My mom was worried and so was I. I never fell as depressed as other people with depression say. Although I do feel unwanted sometimes and worthless. The doctor had a talk with my mom as I waited for him to finish. He said goodbye and that I have a follow up appointment on December 12th 2014.

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