worship (18+)

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it's just before the big fight in Eclipse. when Edward left y/n, instead of remaining friends with Jacob, they started dating. he recently imprinted on someone else. Edward wants to fix things, but that isn't the only thing he's got on his mind.

this y/n uses she/her pronouns, she is plus sized, and she doesn't put up with anyone's shit. a lot of the plot content was provided by a friend of mine who this y/n is based on, so she has all claim of this headcanon, I just wrote it.

this piece is smutty! it contains body worship, oral, (healthy) fighting, and potentially triggering abandonment talk. 

please enjoy!


"Why are we in Edward's room?"

"It's got a bed, y/n." Alice laughed off the comment casually, but, knowing Alice, some kind of ulterior motive was at work here. "That's not exactly a common thing in a vampire house."

You and Alice had gotten a lot closer since your impromptu trip to Italy to save your ex-boyfriend from killing himself. Your relationship with Edward, however, wasn't nearly as notable. After he left you—abandoned you in the woods, left you for dead for fuck's sake—you and Jacob got a lot closer. So close, in fact, that the two of you entered a relationship. You would be at his house now, but he recently imprinted on someone else. Thinking about it stung, but you couldn't be happier for him. Besides, Alice was your best friend too. The newborn battle was tomorrow and Alice had suggested a chill-out girls' night as a way to both destress and keep you as safe as possible. You deserved a break. So you took it.

"Not like either of us are going to be sleeping."

"You know, if I wasn't a mated woman, I'd think that meant something completely different." The two of you shared playful, only slightly flirty eye contact. "Regardless, I need to go get some things from my room. Wait here, alright?"


"Two shakes, I swear!" Oh, she was absolutely up to something. Probably involving Edward. You let out a loud sigh. Might as well look around while you're trapped here, right?

Edward's room hadn't changed much since the last time you were here, apart from the addition of a much-too-big bed and a few scattered books. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that he had thrown a tantrum at some point and de-shelved a few. He hadn't done much damage to the books themselves, but you also didn't miss the small nicks in the floor where the heavy hardbacks had hit, nor the way they were all splayed in an unnatural manner.

"Hi, y/n." Of course. You didn't have to look to know that it was Edward. Another sigh escaped you. "I hope you like the bed. I tried to pick out one that suited you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" You knew that this comment wasn't in reference to your body. You knew that some bullshit about how, 'I couldn't find a bed quite as beautiful as you,' and, 'I wanted to encapsulate every passionate, irrevocably strong feeling about you in this, the one gift you will accept from me,' would leave his lips next, but the opportunity was far too good to pass up. Maybe he would at least get flustered enough to stay quiet.

"Oh, y/n, you know what I mean." You could hear him taking achingly slow steps toward you. For once, that was all he said. The fact that he didn't err on the side of dramatics surprised you enough to make you face him.

"Oh?" You looked at him for just a second—just long enough to see that pain that was ever-present on his face now—and then you couldn't take it anymore. Your eyes found the books again. "Did your tantrum from earlier wear you out? Or is this blatant disrespect of books from when you abandoned me in the woods and left me to die?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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