[5] practice

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you sat in class, tapping your pen against the table. it'd been several minutes since you zoned out, letting your mind wander. you were on the verge of sleep until you felt an object hit the back of your head. you spun around and picked up a crumpled piece of paper.

'pay attention so you don't have to ask for help later' was all the paper said. you looked up several rows behind you to see kuroo smirking at you with a wink. you pouted, tilting your head down a bit.

you hated this class, so often you didn't pay attention and thought about other things, resulting in you asking kuroo for help later that night. despite his reputation, kuroo was extremely smart and quite a nerd. while you zoned out, you saw everyone get up and start leaving the class. you packed up your things as kuroo walked up beside you.

"what'd we talk about in class today?" kuroo said, grabbing your backpack.

"i don't need to know, that's why i have you," you smiled sweetly, grabbing your backpack back. you continued to walk out of class along with kuroo.

"so how's the new roommate been?" he asked, looking down to see you.

"ugh don't even get me started," you said, recalling the events of that morning.

atsumu had left his clothes that were just washed in a messy pile on his bed. you stormed in, walked over to his desk at the corner of his room in front of his window and ripped off his headphones.

"ah what the hell?" he said, turning around in his chair to face you.

"what the hell's a matter with you? i literally just washed those and you can't take five minutes to put them away?" you huffed as atsumu squinted at you.

"i'll put them away later," he shrugged, turning around and continuing his school work.

"they're going to get wrinkled and i'll have to wash them again. just put them away now," you said as atsumu started humming, ignoring you. he was smirking, stealing glances at you. you mumbled something under your breath and began to put his stuff away. you didn't ask him to do much in the apartment, you even did his laundry, and he can't even afford to put his clean clothes away?

"help me at least," you said throwing a pair of 'tsumu's boxers at his face.

he threw the boxers back at you and got up. you were quick to find out he was wearing just a pair of boxers and no shirt.

your face became hot and red as you threw a shirt at him.

"god, put a shirt on 'tsumu," you grunted, folding a pair of pants to put in his dresser.

"i got it," he gently said, taking the pants from your hands.

"mhm," you breathed, unaware that a small smile was growing across your lips as you watched atsumu clean up his stuff.

you walked over to the doorway, grabbing your backpack to leave for class.

"speak of the devil," kuroo said, as atsumu walked up next to you, a duffel bag in his hands. "going to volleyball?"

"where else?" atsumu grinned, putting his arm around your shoulder. you brought your hand up and removed his. this was a common occurrence - when you dragged atsumu to the market or anywhere for that matter, he would teasingly put his arm around you. you didn't mind it ALL the time, but he was just being an ass and trying to annoy you. "hey, why don't ya come to our practice? you can see y'er amazing roommate in action," atsumu winked.

"yeah right," kuroo rolled his eyes, tightening his grip on his bag.

"toru'll be there so i'll go," you sighed, rubbing your temples. you, kuroo, and atsumu walked over to the college's gym, walking inside. as soon as you saw your friend, you dropped your bag at the entrance to the building and ran over to him. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he picked you up, his hands on your back.

"well someone missed the best setter around," oikawa winked at atsumu. atsumu looked to the side and rolled his eyes, placing his bag on the bleachers.

"i see you're still cocky- and flat- as ever," you teased looking over oikawas shoulders. "bokuto-san!"

the ace came over to you, engulfing you in a hug. all atsumu and kuroo could do was watch.

"i-" the blonde student started, before he was quickly stopped.

"shut it," kuroo growled, his hands crossed against his torso.

"bokuto, i missed you!" you beamed to your old friend. bokuto was often seen around school campus or at restaurants with you before he studied abroad.

"same here pretty girl!" he replied, his smile almost broader than yours.

"oh, i'll let you guys practice," you giggled, walking over to the stands. you placed your bag down and watched the boys play, atsumu with a lop sided grin pushing hinata off of his shoulders. you caught yourself smiling at the spectacle, and quickly stopped. you hoped nobody noticed that you were grinning at the setter, basically drooling over him - though you would never admit it, it was a one time thought. but one persons face fell, watching you smile at someone else. someone tall. someone with hazel eyes. someone with black spiky hair.

sorry i went on hiatus for a bit, school recently started and i was adjusting and i do sports daily but i'll probably start posting regularly again :) this chapter was a sort of foreshadow for future events you could say? ;)

-the author <3

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