prologue what if?

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First this kinda is after the titans curse.The gods decided that thalia and Percy are too dangerous and they ran away and jumped of Olympus.Thalia was made partially immortal until Percy is 16 (battle of New York) the Person that wrote this chapter published this and later didnt update anymore so this is kinda Inspiration for you guys.


Allison had never been much of an athlete.
She sucked at anything that required attention for an extended period of time.

Cheerleading was not only tiring, but the uniforms were plain humiliating. She couldn't handle a ball for her life and hated swimming with a burning passion.

Now, as she ran from the grips of a giant monster, all she could think was

'maybe I should've joined the track team.'

The things that cross your mind when you're about to die.
Now, considering the amount of weird situations Allison had found herself in (and gotten herself out of) over the past few months, she probably should have been a little more optimistic.

But then...Dead end.
Of course.
Turning around, Allison found the thing looming over her, snapping its pincers furiously.
The sound made her want to puke.

For all the luck she'd had, it was all over. She was going to die right then and there.
Allison heard something behind the monstrous creature, something she had never heard before.

It was metallic, but soft.
She tried to look past the scorpion's giant stinger, but couldn't see a thing.

The monster, too, seemed to turn its head sideways as if knowing something was wrong.

Allison didn't see the arrow coming.
There was barely a sound, barely any warning, but suddenly the arrow was just there, settled firmly into one of the monster's joints.  

An earthshaking roar sliced through the night as the scorpion clattered backwards, looking for the attacker.

Allison was thinking that she should really get out of there, but her body stayed glued to the wall, paralyzed in fear.

And then, she saw it – two people coming out of the darkness, as if their bodies had just materialized from thin air.
Allison couldn't see their faces, but could tell that it was a woman and a man.
One had a bow in hand and an elegant shape, soft curves that showed in a perfect shooting stance; the other, broad shoulders and large arms, gripping something that looked like a sword.
The woman walked in the direction of the monster, slipping arrows with every step she took. None of them missed the target, and the beast snarled in pain, still clicking its pincers.

But didn't back down. In fact, it only looked angrier, wagging its tail violently.
With a hiss, the scorpion lunged forward.

The man met him halfway.

Allison didn't even see him move, but he was standing right in front of the animal, and with one precise movement of his arm, one pincer came rolling to the ground, slowly dissolving into yellow dust.

Allison's panicked yelp was drowned out by another snarl coming from the scorpion.
The woman lifted one hand in the air and suddenly a spear appeared in her grasp, unraveling from the shadows. She proceeded to stab the monster with it, joined by the man, and Allison was in awe.

Watching them fight was like watching partners dance.
They made it look so easy; graceful, dangerous and so, so very fast. Allison had never seen anyone move that fast before, like they weren't bound by the same physical forces that regular people were.

Within a mere minute, what had once been a giant armored scorpion was reduced to a pile of dust, already fading in the wind.

They turned to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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