The gunslinger

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Have you ever heard about a legend about a man that is unkillable. People say it's as if he was immortal and there many tales of him going into combat and coming out uninjured. People also say that he is very fast and tall and happens to wear a long blue jacket and wears sun glasses and always keeps his two guns hidden in his jacket. The mans name is unknown although most people call him flash the gunslinger. This man has a bounty on his  because of what he did during his time as a hit man and on top of that he seems to bring a lot of  chaos and destruction where ever he goes.

Unfortunately for me he so happened to stop by the town I live in and  and even worse bounty hunters happened to be looking for him in the town. I told myself with a smile on my face "I sure do feel bad for the unlucky person who's house is probably being used to hide him." Now that thinks about it I regret saying those words because the unlucky persons house he used to hide in was my house he had led himself in through my kitchen window which was now completely broken from all the gunshots it had taken and even worse he had accidentally led bounty hunters to my house which shoot at as well. I had to hide behind just like him because of all the bullets flying.

I became a little bit depressed at my house being destroyed By bullets I asked him why he had to come to my house and he smiled and put his hand on his head and said "ha ha ha Well I just walked into town and went into a restaurant to eat until these guys showed started shooting at me for no reason and was forced to escape the restaurant and go somewhere else and your so happened very close by and looked like a perfect hiding place." After he said that I smiled angrily at him and told him "Great job genius did you even make sure that they weren't following you and who's going to fix all of this stuff do you have any idea how much this cost to repair huh!!!!." Soon after that calmed down and tolled him we can escape using my car which is parked front of my house and lucky for planned on heading out anyways so we had dodge all of the bullets coming at us just to get to my car.

I quickly unlocked my car and turned on the car and we quickly got in and started driving out of the parking lot all while my was getting shot but some how we managed to get out of the situation and drove away how ever we were being chased and flash the gunslinger shoot at them through one of the windows of the car all while I was driving and trying to make the car dodge all the bullets and also trying to lose the bounty hunter. But even though tried my best to stay on the road I ended up driving off the road and the ride was getting to wild all while getting shoot at but eventually flash the gunslinger managed to somehow managed to shot the tires of  the bounty hunters cars which made them crash into each other however we now had to get out of town because we didn't want no cops to start chasing us as well.

So yeah thats how my day went and thats how I met the legendary flash the gunslinger. Oh and did I mention thanks to the chaos and destruction that happened in the town I became a wanted criminal that now has a bounty on his head and it also doesn't help that I am now known as flash the gunslingers partner in crime so yeah I guess deal with it now and see If I can find a way of this situation. So for now I'll have stick with him as much as I don't want to until I find a way out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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