#4 As Weird Things Cats Do

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¬ Lucifer: Judges you from on top of the fridge or cupboard.

¬ Mammon: Squeezes their paw in very small openings trying to reach for something that they're OBVIOUSLY not gonna get.

¬ Levi: The ability to blend in any container like they're water or something.

¬ Satan: Knocking stuff off of surfaces while looking you DEAD in the eyes.

¬ Asmo: Stares at their reflection in the mirror.

¬ Beel: Moving very slowly while trying to steal your food as if you can't see them.

¬ Belphie: Falls asleep with their face in the food bowl.

¬ Diavolo: Sitting on your pizza because it's warm.

¬ Barbatos: The bubble head thing that they do.

¬ Luke: Fights another cat for being in the same room with them.

¬ Simeon: Meows loudly at 3 in the morning.

¬ Solomon: Brings you a dead animal like an ultimate sacrifice to the overload or something.

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