I storm into the dropship.. Hoping to see Clarke working medical, I look around in the corner of my eye I see her. "Hey Princess!" I turn cornering her . "hey Bell.." She replies. I examin her face hoping she didn't notice... As i examin i could see dried tears on her cheek i finally exhale which turns into a sigh.. And say "You okay Princess?"
Clarke: I look up at Bellamy after he States his question.. I say "yeah why wouldn"t I be?" he looks at me with his beautiful eyes that melt my heart.. He looks down at his feet then laughs trying to hide the worry for me. He looks up from his feet and says "Yeah,you're right.. Stupid of me to ask.. You should get going to where ever you were headed". He begins to walk away then out of instinct I grab his arm.. He turns around.. I start to blush as I say "It can wait".
He smirks as he says " what ever you say Princess." We walk back to the same position we were in.. I.. Look into his soul cleansing eyes.... I need him... I want him... I love him.. I would die for him.Bellamy: She looks up at me.. With her beautiful eyes.. That shine like the stars above. "So.." I say in a neutral tone. Octavia runs into the drop ship yelling for Clarke and I. "O over here." Clarke yells hoping Octavia could hear. "Clarke,Bell.... We can't find Finn anywhere!! He's needed..Montey found something important!" She states the news in a voice where only Clarke and I could hear. "Where the hell is Spacewalker and what the hell did he get himself into...." I say leaving the drop ship
Author's Note
First fanfic.. Sorry the first part is short.. The next part will be published soon.. Comment and give me feedback I would love to read it! Most importantly Enjoy!

I'm In Love With The Brave Princess
FanfictionBellamy and Clarke Love story Rebel leader loves the brave princess