#10 - Glare

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As soon as I say that name Luhan becomes immediately confused, as he hasn't noticed the boys walking into the restaurant yet. He tilts his head, scrunching his mouth up.

"Um, we don't do a 'Yoongi'?"

Hayoon, Dea and Songmin can't believe the boys have just casually walked in. Other people notice them too and squeal to themselves, some start to cry and freak out.

"No, I meant-" I point to behind him.

Luhan turns around to see what I'm talking about. I can tell he's slightly panicked and also taken aback from the people who screamed.

"Just a moment," He scurries off somewhere and leaves us.

"Wait!" I call after him but he doesn't hear me, as he and the rest of the waiters and staff are too busy panicking.

He didn't even take my order. Well that's just great.

"I can't believe they're actually here!" Hayoon squeals, excitedly stomping her feet.

"I didn't even know they were coming here today, let alone the same restaurant we're at!" Dea gushes.

"Yeah neither did I." I say whilst still confused.

Why are they here? Aren't they supposed to be at that café getting ice cream? Unless it didn't do ice cream after all.

Yoongi or the rest of them haven't seen me yet, as we're sitting at the back of the restaurant.

However one of the waiters guides them to a booth big enough for the seven of them, a little the left of our table and still facing ours. Some of them have their backs to us but some are facing us, including Yoongi.

"Oh my god, they're sitting so close to us!" Songmin whispers to us.

As they all take their seats, Yoongi looks up as soon as he sits down on the end of the booth.

But what catches him off guard is when he locks eye contact with me whilst doing so. And as soon as he does he freezes, and his face drops.

I don't think he knew I was going to be in here, so he's just as shocked as I am. We both just stare at one another, getting more and more surprised to see eachother by the second. If anything we look incredibly stupid.

I think I looked more shocked however because he raises his finger to his lips, stopping me from speaking.

He then immediately puts his hand on his hat, taking it off and then putting it on the table. So it looked like he was just taking his hat off, and he looks back at the boys. He did this so quickly that it didn't look like it was aimed at me.

But I pretty much got the message. I have to remember that according to everyone else (and by everyone else I mean the girls) Yoongi and I have never met or spoken to eachother before, or with any of the boys. And it's going to stay that way.

"Guys, relax. They're just here to eat. You don't want to disturb them having lunch do you?" I try to calm the girls down but it's not really working. 

"Okay, act calm. I can do that." Hayoon convinces herself but it does not last as she ends up knocking her fork off the table and hits the floor with a loud clank.

This makes Yoongi look back up at our table, and he begins to slowly smirk. Hayoon doesn't notice Yoongi looking but still blushes and quickly picks her fork back up.

This also catches the attention of Hoseok who's sat next to Yoongi and he instantly recognises me, and his face lights up.

"Oh hey it's Ji-"

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