((Relationships Characters in the Story))

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A/N; Hey guys! This is a catch-up on the characters included in the story so far. The next Chapter will be up when the last gets to 30 reads. More characters are coming soon! So i'll update this when there's about maybe 8 + new characters


8 years old


Shy, Sweet, innocent


11 years old


Quiet, Easily Annoyed, Kind


21 years old


Mean, Easily annoyed, Frightening, Sarcastic




Scary, Frightening, Mysterious, Eerie, Silent

Uncle Johnny

34 years old


Creepy, Frightening, Cold, Mysterious

Smile Dog



Playful, Frightening, Loud, Happy

Smiling Cat



Silent, Eerie, Intelligent, Quick

Sally + Jeff = Brother/Sister like relationship. Often teases her, but when it comes to threats such as Uncle Johnny, for the first time in a long time he gets protective over someone. He may see Liu in her, or he may be slightly touched by her kindness. No one knows.

Sally + Ben = Best friend like Relationship. He's very nice to Sally, willing to protect her from any harm. They usually play with each other throughout the day.

Slenderman + Sally = Sally and Slenderman have a neutural relationship. She mainly looks to him as the other Creepypastas do; As the head of the Mansion, looking over and keeping in charge. Though Slenderman does feel close to Sally for her innocence, he pushes his feelings away, as he must treat every Pasta equally.

Sally + Uncle Johnny = Uncle Johnny and Sally despise each other, though Sally's hatred is fueled by fear. Uncle Johnny can't stand her; often thinking of ways to possibly make her feel pain, fantacizing of being able to kill her once more. Sally is afraid of him, keeping her distance as far away as possible. She does often sense cold eyes pinned on her back, giving her chills.

Sally + Smile Dog = Though the loud dog often tries to play with her, Sally tends to be hesitant. Her first morning in the Pasta house with him wasn't exactly... Relaxing.

Sally + Smiling Cat = Curious about the 8 year old girl, the quiet cat slinks around, stalking her silently. Sally often sees him relaxing on the Park Bench, or on the Large Tree outside her bedroom, staring in with his large, but somewhat soothing green eyes.

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