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CW: bullying, mentions of disordered eating, language

Weeks without the Cullens quickly turned into months. After screaming her lungs out the night that Emmett left, Alaina was unable to feel anything, the numbness permeating every inch of her body. Bella was doing everything she could possibly do to keep the memory of the Cullen's alive as if they would fade from her memory if she allowed too much time to pass between thoughts and Cullen-centric conversation. Alaina, on the other hand, began to withdraw from Bella and her obsessive thoughts. She began to do everything she could possibly do to forget them and tried to keep Bella at a distance when she started talking about Edward, which seemed to be all of the time.

Alaina began to spend her time working out, almost obsessively so. When she was exercising, she wasn't able to think about anything other than counting reps and steadying her breathing. That became her number one priority. Working out was more important than school, or even eating most of the time. But the consequences of that weren't too important to her. Her only goal was to forget, and Bella was making that downright impossible.

"Where do you think they are?" Bella asked as they walked to the lunchroom, jutting Alaina out of her thoughts. Alaina sighed and hugged her books closer to her chest. She made a non-committal noise to signal to Bella that she heard her, and she knew that Bella would just continue to have the conversation on her own.

"Do you think they miss us?" Bella asked again as they made their way to their usual table.

"I don't know Bella. I try not to think about it," she mumbled, feeling her temper rising. Ever since they left, her depression mostly manifested itself into fury. She was increasingly quick to anger, especially around Bella, but her friend was so transfixed with her own healing that she barely even registering Alaina's shift in demeanor.

"Hey, girls!" Jessica said excitedly as they sat down. Even though Jessica's normal actions grated on her, she couldn't help but appreciate the change in the subject.

"Hi, Jess," Alaina said, sitting down next to Lauren, the only open seat. Alaina saw Lauren make a show about moving closer to Mike in order to get away from her. They had never gotten along; Lauren loved to make snide remarks about her hair or hips, casually pointing out all of the things that made Alaina extremely self-conscious.

"So, Alaina," Jessica started, looking at her expectantly. "Did you see Tommy Lancaster? He really blossomed over the summer, don't you think?"

Alaina shrugged. This wasn't the first time that Jessica has made a not-so-subtle remark about Alaina "getting back out there." But Alaina wasn't interested; she was still healing. "Honestly, I haven't noticed him. I don't even know if I know who he is."

Lauren snorted. "He definitely hasn't noticed her," she said under her breath to Mike, who wasn't paying attention to her, the poor sap still fawning over Bella. Alaina heard, but she wasn't going to make a scene, which was the only thing that Lauren wanted.

"Oh, but he's so cute and tall -- A total sweetheart! Why don't we all go to the movies tonight so you can officially meet? I think you'd really like him." Jessica said, not able to take the hint. She moved forward in her chair excitedly, hoping to change Alaina's mind.

"I'm sure I would like him," Alaina said half-heartedly, shrugging her off. "But I'm really not interested in dating right now."

"And they aren't interested in dating her either, so it works out just fine," Lauren said under her breath again, but a little louder, to ensure that Alaina heard.

"Care to share with the entire class, Lauren?" Alaina said sarcastically, biting into her apple. She raised her eyebrows, hoping calling her out would deter her, but Lauren doubled down.

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