Chapter Sixteen

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It was Kieran and Kip in the lead this time with Nebbia slightly behind them and Sozee and Maya taking it from the rear.

The intensity of the winter had reduced greatly and now it was just snowing lightly.
A lot of good news for the weary group of four.
Just their luck, the farther they walked, the more the weather cleared up and soon they found themselves in a beautiful sunny orchard.
Fruits all around peeked at them from different trees and a cool breeze passed over them. The heat of the sun started to warm them and they decided unanimously that they would stay there for the night then continue their journey the next day.

Nebbia and Kieran went on patrol all around to make sure that this place was actually very safe and not just deceptive. Imagine if they all slept and a beast came along. Well, a beast other than their lovable beast, Kip.

Sure they would take shifts but what if something happened and they all fell asleep then overslept? Maya didn't want to imagine the scene of carnage that would be left.
So the three of them sat under a huge apple tree. No sooner had Kip lay down than he started to sleep, a bit of drool falling from his lips. Maya and Sozee were the only two left awake.

Sozee was seated demurely under the tree, her eyes closed and her dress fanning out around her making her look like a fairy of some sorts or maybe a princess.

"Hey Sozee, how's your arm holding up?"
She peeled her sleepy eyes open " It's okay, my Aunt will be able to heal me."

Maya nodded gently and sat beside her.
Some silence .

"You know what my mother said to me once, Maya?"
"No, let's hear it"
" Sozee, if you aren't the most beautiful person around then you don't deserve to be noticed or appreciated. You always have to put people down if you find out that maybe you aren't the most beautiful. You have to always show them who is the boss, however best you can. Or else you will be rejected for being pitiful and weak."
" Well that's a load of trash." Maya responded with a hard frown
Sozee hummed " I hadn't really been out lots of times until you guys came to meet you. I didn't know that wasn't how people really behaved. It was always so brutal in the house that I felt that the outside world would be the same.
When I saw you, I felt a little bit threatened because you were beautiful. "
Maya kept quiet as Sozee continued, even though she had lots of things to say.
Sozee giggled then "And I know my arm isn't broken....Well the other one. I was just going to the wisest to make myself more beautiful, and then maybe, finally my mother would be proud of me."
Maya crossed her arms, that sounded wrong in so many ways.
"My sisters always got into pageants and things but my mother was always talking about how my hair was the wrong shade or how large my eyes were. It was making me sad, Maya. It also didn't help that I was more interested in other things than pageants. The little friends I had shunned me because I didn't think the way they did. I'm sorry I came across as tiresome and conceited and shallow. I'm also sorry I forced you to let me go with you, I just wanted to be with my aunt for a little while."

Maya sighed " That's okay Sozee, it was.... interesting to have you around. I don't know much about your mother but everything she said was wrong. Friends appreciate each other regardless of physical looks and you're our friend.
And besides how can you not believe you're beautiful, Sozee?"
The girl sighed as well "I don't know what to believe in now. "

Maya held her shoulders gently, the way Kieran used to at first and she faced the blonde girl. " Sozee, you are a loud, bubbly person who cannot seem to keep her mouth closed and you can be sorely annoying. But you are beautiful, inside and out. You hosted us in your home and you've been with us since. And girl, have you seen your looks? Your mom is probably blind anyway. "

Sozee laughed.
"And if anyone says you aren't beautiful or there's something wrong about you, just whisper in their ears ' I have a friend called Maya and she will punch you in the gut  if you say such rubbish again'"

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