My Life

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Usually, my morning routines are brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, washing my face and getting dress. I'm in the 10th grade with Brent. But we only have 3 classes together. 1st and 2nd period together, then last period with his ex, Jane. Usually, I sit with Brent in 1st and 2nd period and last period, he sits all the way in the front with Jane. I sit in the back. Talking to my friend, Christian on how she doesn't deserve him.

But today, I wanna look super cute. I start brushing my dark red hair and smirking in the mirror. I run to my closet and take out a hot pink mini skirt. And put on a black sweater, and wedge sneakers on. I put on some eyeliner, mascara and some red lip gloss on. I take a good look at myself. Okay. I grab my backpack and hurry down stairs.

Brent's POV~
"Kellyy!!!!!", I yell to her. "Brent, give her a moment. You just lefted her room like 5 minutes ago", my mom said. She turned to put some sausages on my plate. "I know, but I gotta pick up jane in 10", I said looking down at a picture of me and jane. It was a picture that we took before she cheated on me. "You know, brent, You shouldn't still try to be with Jane again. It's really gotta make you look easy", Lexi jumps in. I look at her in disguise. "Until you get a boyfriend, don't put your 2 sense into thing", I tell her. Gosh, children. Lexi giggles. "Brent, Lexi's right! You should find someone better", my mom said. Just as she said that, kelly comes down the stairs. I stare at her. Sometimes when she walks, I see her in slow motion. She's really beautiful. God. If she wasn't my step sister. I will love to have her. She walks to my mom and kisses her on her cheek. "Good morning, sweetie", my mom tell her. "Do you want breakfast?", she asks. "No thanks, I'm on a diet", kelly said. "You know, kelly. You really shouldn't be on a diet, you're body is perfect the way it is", I tell her winning at her and I bite into an apple. I can see her cheeks getting so red. She walks towards me and kisses my cheek. "Good morning to you too!" She said. I giggle.

Don't blush.

Don't blush.

Don't blush.

"Brent, are you okay?", kelly asks. I snap out of it. "Yeah! Totally!", I smile up at her. I look down at my phone. 10 minutes pasted. "Are u guys ready?", I ask. Lexi nodded her head and puts her backpack on. Kelly grabs an apple, "totally".
Kelly's POV ♡
We walk out the house and Lexi grabbed my hand. We both skipped to the car and brent is in the back laughing. "I call shot gun!", Lexi said climbing into the car. "I think kelly should sit in shot gun", brent said. He's smirk is just to die for. I can feel Lexi staring at us. Brent was staring back, not blinding actually. "Planet earth, to both of you!" She said. We both snapped out of it at the same time. We both entered the car at the same time. He started the engine and we when off to Janes.

Brent's POV~

We drove to Jane's house. The car was extermely quiet until, Kelly turned on the radio. Her taste of music is okay after all. We listened to some indie music, mix with alternative. She sang Along to song of the songs she knew or hummed it. I cought some glares from her. She pulled down the window and she looked so goregous. So, elegant. So flawless! How can you have a fucking crush on your step sister!? As we know it, We was at Jane's house. She was standing outside, oh so beautiful..........But not as beatuiful as kelly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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