Start of My Script lol

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don't own the characters mentioned from the Harry Potter universe, J.K. Rowling does,,, yada yada yada ok cool.

Is shifting maybe just more realistic lucid dreaming? Possibly. Am i still gonna write a bunch of pages scripting? Y e a h.

Age: 16.
Grade: rising 6th year.
IQ: 140.
House: (?) (Will be sorted by the hat)
Blood status: Half-blood.

I speak and understand: English and Spanish
Time shifting to: Right before the golden trio's 5th year, on the Hogwarts Express, or if i am on the way to the hogwarts express with my parents, I will get on the train on time.

·My family is the same as they are in my CR(Minus the plot differences).(My parents live together and my sister moved out.)
·My family is upper class and very rich.
·My parents are very laid-back.
·I have a very large wardrobe and am often able to shop for pieces of clothing & accessories that I like.
·I get a frequent and large allowance.
·My family has a maid.

·Modern technology that I bring with me, such as my mp3 player(only this), works in Hogwarts.

·I can not endure trauma or extreme pain.
·I can not die
·I can not sustain very large/extreme injuries.

Other i guess lmao:
·It is my 1st year transferring into Hogwarts from being previously homeschooled in America.
·Hogwarts students graduate after completing their 8th year at 18/19, rather than their 7th year at 17/18.
·Voldemort disappeared after the previous school year during the summer, and is dead forever. He can not come back from the dead.
·The golden trio, as well as other friends/loved ones in my DR can't be killed/die young, until I script that they can.

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