Extra Stuff!

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Just some extra random bullet points I forgot or didn't think of :))

Also thx for over 100 views! Not much but I didn't really expect for more than like 6 people to see this dumb thing so that's cool lolll.

I also haven't even tried shifting lmao...... I wanna rewatch the movies n maybe re read the first book before I do, but I've been busy with school :/// Hopefully soon :)))

These are a just a bunch of random dumb bullet points lmao. Use these for ideas if u want ahah idk.

·I am very good at magic, do very well in school, and pass all my classes with ease and with top, or near top marks, and have all the magic knowledge I need to get by.
·Homework is easy and enjoyable for me.
·Some of the classes I will take are:
·Wandless and non-verbal magic.
·Muggle studies.
·And more.
·I can write with a quill
·I have a good memory.
·I don't fall off the moving stair cases, and I can easily find my way around the school.
·I understand how wizard currency works.
·I am very good at quidditch and dont fall off my broom.
·I am very artistically talented and can draw very well, better than I can in my CR.
·I have a good singing voice and can sing very well.
·I can cast spells without a wand or saying the spell out loud.
·I am immune to the truth serum veritaserum (or any other truth spell/potion.)
·I will remember everything when I arrive and everything when I come back.
·I will not forget my safe word and can not get stuck in my DR.
·Nobody can read my mind.
·I can never lose my voice or ability to talk.

·I am a transfer student who used to be homeschooled, and will shift just in time to get sorted at the beginning of my 6th year. (1995)
·I will arrive on the Hogwarts Express on the way to Hogwarts with all the other students when I shift, or on my way to the hogwarts express with ny parents and will get there on time and not miss the train.
·1 month in my DR = 2 hours in my CR.
·I can't shift back to my CR unless I chose to.
·If/when I am not asleep, my CR clone does my homework while I am in my DR.
·I have a small black watch that shows the amount of time that has passed in my CR when I tap on it, with a compartment that has my safe word to get back.
·Cedric Diggory is still alive. (storyline was the same though until Voldemort died, but he and Harry made it safely out of the maze in the tri wizard tournament, and nobody was harmed.)
·My family members are the same as my CR family, but slightly nicer. (Story is still changed tho ofc.)
·My mother's father is alive.
·The characters most closely resemble the book characters and their personalities, but not entirely if I imagine them a different way.
(ex. The Weasley twins are still quite tall.)
·Hermione and the Weasley twins attempt to be friends with me/are very friendly towards me when I arrive.
·My family has a vault at Gringots full of Gold.
·People are at least as accepting towards the lgbt community in my DR as they are in my CR.
·I have a small device (such as an mp3 player) that has all the music (every song) I like on it. Nobody finds out about this unless I let them.
·This technology works in Hogwarts, it always stays charged, and I have a pair of earbuds/headphones to go with it.
·I can't get expelled or suspended.
·When i arrive in my DR, I will know by hearing the sound of the train whistle, and my eyes will open automatically once I am there.
·Time pauses in my DR when i am in my CR.
·The food tastes as it should realistically/how others taste it(good).
·If Umbridge is there, she leaves or gets fired rather quickly.
·I can not fall into comas and I can not get stuck in my DR involuntarily in any way.
·I don't get too emotionally attached to my DR.
·Draco Malfoy does not care that I am not a pureblood and does not bully me for it.

·My hair does not get greasy until at least 6 days after I wash it.
·My sweat doesn't smell.
·I have a silver hoop lip ring.
·My hair grows, but my roots do not grow in. I do not need to retouch the bleached and dyed parts of my hair, and it is smooth, even, and not patchy.
·My hair is black with light ashy blonde/silvery streaks on the side next to my temples/ears.
· I am 5'2.
·My wardrobe is a cross between my modern day dream wardrobe + a 90s/popular and fashionable 90s wardrobe.
·I can do my make-up very quickly, and have a makeup bag full of my go-to's and enough replacements to last me. (Including make-up remover, nail files, etc. Everything I'd bring.)
·My legs and pits are always smooth and hairless so I don't have to shave (thisissodumbimsosorryomg)
·I don't get my period(no health problems or side effects though.)
·I am a very likable and confident person. People at hogwarts typically seem to like and respect me, hence being able to make friends very easily.
·I have a traditional style black and white knife tattoo, pointy end towards the end, on the inner side of my middle finger

(Lemme know if u have any other things that you think I should add! I low-key feel like I'm forgetting stuff loll.)

(I also might move things around and organize/edit this more ignore that lmao oops.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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