Abe Gets bitten

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It was a dark day when Abe went outside to get a hamburger from mcdonals. He was ordering the big mac when he suddenly had to go poop buti there are no bathrooms in the 1800s so he had to go outside onto a trea o get to opoop. That was wen he knew that he shouldnt have had to go poop becauase a werewolve bit his butt as he was taking a big dump. He was very scared because his private part turned hairy and he didnt want to be a wolve so he ran back into mcdonals grabed the big mac and ran all the way back home but before he could make it he ran into viktor and yuri from yuri on ice and they asked him what was wrong and he said that he got bit by a werewolve amd it made his private part itchy and full of hair and now it was griwing long like a tail and abe was very worried but thenthey were like we can help you and then they helpoed him into making his private part not hairy by shaving it with their skates.

Abe thanked them for the helpe and he asked if they could have another adventure togather and they said yes of course abe your really cool of course wwe would want to adventure with you and abe said ok lmao.

The end for now ;)

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