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This is my first Wattpad story! Yay me! I know there are probably typos and grammar errors, and if you find any, please tell me.

The characters are almost all based on real people, but those people know who they are, and should recognise the story, and know who I am. If the interactions and/or characters bare a resemblance to people you know, but you don't know who I am, then it is pure coincidence.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the madness from my black hole of a brain.


Btw, the pic is of my aodrable dog Teddy, as I am severaly lacking in the "photography-at-midnight" department, so I was left with a pic of him.

A little bit about the Library. You might have come into the library at one point and seen us, not exactly doing anything noteworthy. But, you see, there is a difference between the library and the Library. The library is a building, full of books. Ours also has offices down the corridors, and is lovely and bright, but not bright enough to ruin peaceful reading. It even has air conditioning and heating that works properly, which is better than the humanities block, at any rate. The Library is us, the 'regulars' of the library: Mrs Libra, the librarian; Eli and Eddie, the bickering pair who sound almost like siblings if you ignore their accents; Nikolai, the quiet Russian, who I have heard talk about six times, if that; Rosie and Joel, the CCC ( cute couple in the corner) who are completely wrapped up in each other almost permanently, occasionally letting people into their bubble temporarily; Sofia, zany, creative, sociable and generally fun; Anne, who is generally quiet, but laughs often, always getting her head down to the task; Poppy, quiet little mouse who is near invisible to most, despite looking a little like snow white, head always buried in a book; and several others. Of course, there is me, but I am merely a memory, kept alive by them . We were a group of spies, holding back the tides of darkness which have a vested interest in our school for the secrets hidden inside. Now I watch over them, I have since I passed. They have gotten up to some amazing things since I've been gone, but no one knows about them. These are some of the things they have gotten up to since I had to leave, starting with how I died.


The first thing you must know, is that none of us saw it coming. We had no missions, no problems nothing out of the ordinary. That alone should have been enough to raise our suspicions: things are never this quiet around here. It was a Thursday, lovely and sunny. I was in science, just enjoying the peace, talking to Tony, the boy I sit next to. Everything seemed normal. Until the window behind us shattered, breaking into Mr G's morning insanity. Several of the girls screamed when the men came through, carrying guns, wearing the LEAF logo proudly on their shoulders. That was when I knew what was happening, that they had finally decided to do as they vowed and take me out. I almost felt insulted when I saw that there were only five of them. I acted quickly before they could do any damage. I took the first down with a knock out blow, the pulled my knife from the concealed strap at my side, cutting the femoral artery of one, jugular vein and carotid of another before stabbing my knife deep into the chest of the fourth. I grappled with the fifth for a moment, before being able to get behind him and snap his neck. That was when I heard the click of a gun as the hammer was drawn back. I whirled around, the first man was up, a small pistol held against the side of Tony's head.

"Stop, or I shoot your little friend here," he snarled at me, "drop the gun, and lie on the floor, arms and legs out." After I did as he asked, making sure to lie with my arms bent, toes bent, he released Tony and kicked the gun away. On the edge of my vision, I saw him aim his gun at the base of my skull. "Much quicker than you deserve," he growled, once again pulling the hammer back. Just as he was about to shoot, I spring forward, propelling myself forward from my toes and fingers. Reaching across my body, I pressed a hidden button in my watch, jumping up to the man, slashing the small blade across his neck, severing his carotid, before I slumped to the ground. I hadn't quite been fast enough. His bullet had gone through my ribs, hitting my left lung and stomach, before ricocheting off the floor and into my leg. Tony rushed over, pulling me into his arms, my blood pouring all over him.

"Maria, don't you dare die on me, don't you dare. Poppy will kill you if you die. I don't know what I'd do if you died." He said the last part so quietly, I barely heard him. Reaching up, I touched his cheek, leaving a small red smear there, before pulling him down.

"Live," I whispered into his ear. It was the last word I ever said. I died there, in his arms, moments later.

Most of my year was at my funeral, and all of my science class was there. I was cited as a hero, saving the other pupils. Tony looked even more exhausted that he ever had been when I was alive. I could see he wanted to withdraw from the world, but he kept going. For me. He even started praying. He was the most atheist person I had ever met, a scientist through and through. But he prayed. Poppy was furious, as was the rest of the Library. They all vowed to avenge me, but they would let Poppy land the final blow. She was my twin, after all.

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