chapter 9

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Well I am home and my babies are in with me I am so happy but let me first breastfeed triplets now and then I will watch Birds of prey and fantabulous encaption of Harley Quinn the title is pretty long but it is so funny and also there is action men I don't know how categories the film. Well this is so lovely especially the arrow woman's part she also acted in a film were will Smith was there I have even forgotten the film wow I forget a lot i swear Walllai have I have forgotten well when my children grow up they are going to like this film the baby sitters club
I am so in love with this children and they aren't stubborn at all men I have to breastfeed then again it is hard to be a mother I now see and my mum gave birth to two of us Lacey and I and Lacey and I but Lacey is just 20 while I am 27 I am so happy at least someone can help me in a way I am so happy.

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