Complaint - Online Class [2/?]

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Okay, so. This Online Class thing will be a smol series, so stay tuned.

Alright, the topic for today is.


I know you think I'm sh#t now because wattpad has a word count, but that doesn't matter. What I really meant was


(swear word) WHAT IN THE WORLD, why give us a word limit when it does NOTHING to the task at hand or the supposed activity.

Word limits are nothing, it doesn't give any difference. I don't understand it, are they just making us more busy?

Well, kinda makes sense because it could keep us away from distractions.

HOWEVER, the downside to my previous statement is that it causes a lot of STRESS and PRESSURE.

My classmates who are trying to adapt to the new normal (online classes) have experienced tons of stress and they feel so pressured that it discourages and demotivates them so much to point where they procrastinate and never be able to pass the assessment ahead of time.

My twin sister is pretty much stressed 25/8 and procrastinates when she is discouraged.

Also, I just remembered that our REED teacher said not to complain or write about things like this. I'mma have to clarify this on the next topic so stay tunneeddddd.

Okay, thanks for coming on to my TED talk.

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