Chapter Er

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I wake up to the sound of my mom calling me breakfast. I sigh and turn on my phone to check the time.


That's when I realized I had overslept. How couldn't I? When I was dreaming about Hua Biao from When We Were Young 2018. Yes. I love Chinese dramas. Basically Asian dramas. The best part is when the MLs get jealous and.....

I was snapped back to reality by mom yelling that I'll be late for school. I quickly take my bath, brush my teeth and put on something casual since it was the first day. I wore a Tie Dye T-Shirt and Skinny Jeans. I also let down my hair. Then I put on my Adidas Sneakers. I sat down to do my makeup. I kept it light. I just put on some foundation, mascara and lip gloss. Cherry Blossom. Delicious. Holy cow, I'm weird.

I walk sluggishly to the toaster and popped some bread in. Then I took some bacon from the tray at the centre of the table and plopped it on my plate.

'Do you need me to drive you there?' My mom asked while taking my toast and putting it on my plate.

'Oh no! I can walk.' I said. Something about me sitting in my mom's pink Cadillac while all the students stare did not sit well with me. My mom looked alarmed at this outburst but turned to serve my sister's breakfast. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door but I was stopped by my mom's voice.

'Aren't you forgetting something?'

I smiled sheepishly.

'I got my brains and beauty. What else?' My mum rolled her eyes and chuckled. I went over there and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I said goodbye and headed out.

I got to school in about 15 minutes. I strolled to the receptionist to collect my schedule. I didn't like the sight of her. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she wore a long T-shirt and her makeup was all wrong. She was chewing her gum noisily and didn't notice I was standing in front of her till I coughed. She looked up to me and gave a fake grin.


'Imani Evans.'

'Oh yes. You are in Room 14.' With that, she hands me my schedule and make a gesture with her hand meaning I should go away.

I look at my schedule and smile. I have English Literature first and Math last. Save the best for last I guess. I was trying to navigate my class when I stumbled into a girl.

'Oh I'm so....' I start to apologize then I look up to see her. She looks about my height and she is cream in complexion. Tall and of medium weight. She is not wearing any makeup but she has a nose ring and her ears are pierced. I stare at her eyes which are hazelnut brown and her lips which are naturally soft pink. She is wearing a top which says, 'Bad Vibes' and has a red checked flannel tied around her waist. She is wearing denim jeans and her shoes are Vans. Her hair is black and braided. I move closer to inhale her scent of spray paint and lemon grass. She is wearing several bangles on her wrist and has a choker on her neck. I am still staring at her when she clicks her tongue.

'Are you okay? You seem a bit dazed.' She looks at me from head to toe.

I nod my head. 'Sorry for bumping into you. I'm kind of lost.'

She shrugs and taps my shoulder. 'It's cool. I'm new here too so I'm also confused by this quiet environment.' I shudder from her touch and step back. I smile at her and gesture towards the paper on her hand.

'Is that your schedule?' She nods and hands it over to me.

'Oh you are in Room 13. But we have Geography together at 11.' I turn to look at the room beside me and I glance at the nameplate on top of it which says Room 12. I make a hand gesture for her to follow me. I walk a few steps, making sure to be quiet, and get to the next room.

'This is your class, I guess. Mine is just beside.' She grins at me and thanks me for finding her class.

As she is about to enter her class, I tap her and say,

'I didn't get your name?'

She just laughs and nods her head. Then she steps into her class.

Well that was weird. Although I kinda like her vibe. I smile at the thought of her and head to my class. I open the door to see tons of faces staring at me. The teacher, which I later find out to be Mr. Adams, shakes his head at me.

'You must be Miss Evans. You are 10 minutes late.'

I peer at him and put on the sickliest smile and whisper a sorry. He shakes his head yet again and tells me to come in. I inspect the class, looking for an empty seat. The only vacant seat is one next to a boy who is smirking at me. I sigh and reluctantly plod over there and take a seat.

'Hey Cutie Pie.' I turn over to stare at the boy next to me.

'Excuse me? Who is your cutie pie? Y'all don't even know me.'

He blushes a little, which makes him cute, Girl you better get that outta here, My subconscious told me.

'I like feisty girls. You are exactly my type, gorgeous.' Now it's my turn to blush. I immediately switch to an expressionless face and scoff.

'Yeah right.'

I listen to Mr. Adams drone on about Shakespeare but I can't help gaze at the boy next to me. He is tall at least 6'4", maybe taller. He had a trim build, not overly muscular. His messy black hair made me want to run my hands through them. I could stare at his bright blue eyes all day. He had a strong jaw and a Romanesque nose. He was wearing a shirt with one of his buttons open exposing his beautiful skin...

I was interrupted when I heard Mr. Adams calling my name.

'Imani? Could you please give your thoughts on Macbeth?' I winced as he pronounced my name in a white way. (Y'all I ain't racist. Don't come for me.) I stopped listening after I got distracted by an epitome of beauty. Luckily, I know a lot of things about Macbeth. I stood up confidently and started talking.

'Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare; it is thought to have been first performed in 1606. It dramatizes the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake.'

When I finished, I heard a few whistles but I felt some eyes staring at me. Probably the girls. Then the bell rings and everybody starts to stand up.

The guy next to me smirks.

'She's smart too. How lucky I am.' I roll my eyes but I can't help but blush while sitting down. He notices.

'Wow. We're progressing fast, aren't we? How about we start with our names? Mine's Jordan.'

I guess it couldn't hurt to have a boy best friend?

'Mine's Imani.'

'Even your name is hot.' He says smirking. I chuckle nervously and start to head out. I feel an arm grab me and I turn back. I see Jordan handing me a piece of paper. I smile and collect it from him. I struggle to get pass everyone as I step out the door. I look at the paper in my hands and see a phone number - Jordan's phone number and a note saying, 'Let's meet up when you're free.' I grin to myself and slip it into my bag.

My next class is History which I really enjoy. I made some new friends there too, Maya and Damian. They're cousins. Maya is very shy but smart while Damian is in the football team and is good looking. He has a bold personality which I like about him. We clicked and now we're like best friends. It's nice to finally have someone to talk to.

I grab my books and zoom out immediately History class is over so I'm not late for the next class which is Geography. I sigh in relief when I see I'm actually very early. I grab a seat and bring out my book when I notice someone enters the room and I can't help but look. And I smile as I see the girl I bumped into step inside the room.


How was this chapter? Pretty intense right? Can you guys write down a description of Imani in the comments? I don't know how to describe her. Btw, she's black. All of the characters here are black for now. Except for Mr. Adams who is flawlessly white. Anyway, I'll pick the best description. Thanks and gn lovelies :)

Edit: For some reason, when I try to preview, the page is blank. Are you guys having the same problem?

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