{4} New recruits

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{Y/n's pov}

- a few weeks later -

"Hwang Yeji.....? Choi Ji-su! Shin Ryunjin! Lee Chaeryeong! And Shin Yuna please go to room 6, and Choi Soobin! Choi Yeonjun! Choi Beomgyu! Kang Taehyun! Kai Kamal huening (Huening Kai)! Go to room 8 please" says Jisoo unnie, we had new recruits today but we were super busy today so we had to push back the meeting with new groups who will either join or be classified in center parts of my company. Most gangs are based on certain types of entertainment or products, some of us sell drugs or weapons and some of us even help out the government.

Our gang does missions for the government as well as sell weapons, the government gives us money and keeps our illegal weapon selling a secret so we do whatever the government wants. Some people work in the shipping departments other work in developing new weapons daily and whatsoever, us as a gang we tend to stay under the raider.

"Annyeong! Itzy imnida~" The girls say with a bow, right now I'm supervising on my phone how the meetings are going. Jisoo and Chan are interviewing Itzy while Yuki and Astrid are interviewing Txt, you're probably wondering while I'm still calling them by their code names we haven't exactly made up yet. I, being the stubborn person I am ignore them as much as possible but if I have to talk to them then I call them by code name and I'm cold.

For example "Hey Y/n, I need some consent fo-" I would look at the person and if it's Astrid or Yuki I'd be like "You have my consent" then I'd leave and ignore if they have anymore questions, I know it's unprofessional but I was really starting to like Yuki.....ha what stupid idiot I was. "What are you thinking about? It's definitely not the meetings" I drop my phone in surprise and look up to the owner of the voice, when I see him I sigh and pick up my phone. "What do you want Jungkook?" I say while looking at my phone "I'm bored noona~ Play with me~" I glare at him and throw a shoe at him, my Unnie gives me a signal and I stand up leaving my phone on the bed. "Where are you going?"

I smirk and start walking to my door "Kook don't get caught I'm going to introduce myself to some people" I say and start walking to the room where Jisoo is doing her interviews. "Hello! Welcome if you work here I'm your boss, Kim Y/n" I say and wave, Yuki comes into the same room with his group and makes them sit down in the back. I again introduced myself, but then I heard giggling....? Yuna was giggling with Yeji and they were both looking at Huening Kai, I frown and tilt my head. "Shin Yuna, Hwang Yeji? What's so funny?" I say in my cold voice they both look at my scared, while everyone has their eyes on the 2 girls stuttering over their words.

"I asked you a question, Yuna and Yeji I expect you to answer me with a reasonably honest answer or I'll kick you both out" I say and slowly walk to them, Chan noticed how madly I got so he came to my side and pulled me away. I don't know why I got mad something in me just snapped, maybe because they reminded me when I was younger and I had just met Feli-....I mean Yuki. "Y/n, look whatever is happening happens out if work! This is work so focus, we can talk later a.3.o.s.p okay?" he whisper yells as I blink my eyes a few times and nod. It happens a lot lately I get mad and overreact then here comes my hero Chan to calm me down by talking in our secret place, I turn towards Yeji and Yuna then bow.

"I'm sorry I lost my temper, now if you still want to join tryouts will be in our training area which we will show you. This is where you choose whether you want to stay or not" I say calmly and stand up straight facing them. "I think I'm in love....." I hear Soobin say and I laugh, all of them look at me and coo at me "Yes! We're ready to work with you!" They all say in union and smile. "Follow me then!" I say and start walking to the training grounds, Yuki is sadly my partner so he has to help me teach the class the movements.

"Okay this is Yuki, he's going to do some moves on me and you guys are going to have to replicate it with your partner" I say and they all get with a partner, I smile then when I turn to Yuki my smile fades and I start to glare at him. "Okay class rule number one: Never get distracted! Whether it's by personal business or you think you're winning" I say then Yuki runs up to me in an intention to punch me but, I move to the side and tornado kick his back.

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