pessen03 - Without Notice (NC-17)

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Without Notice | Author: pessen03 | Rating: NC-17 | WC: 6,666

Summary: Harry can't get an erection so he's in need of a healer. Guess who is the healer? Don't be alarmed that it contains Harry/Ginny. They are not up to anything, really.

Tag: Minor Angst, First Time, Flirting, Fluff, Kissing, UST, virgin(s), Wooing, club, Dancing, Dirty Talk, post—hogwarts, Smut, Jealousy, bottom-harry, top-draco, healer(s), Sex Toysh/c, Sex Dreams, wanking, Anal Sex


[HP Fanfic - Drarry] English | WC: <10.000Where stories live. Discover now