chapter 2

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Alestia had been woken by her younger brother slamming open her door, sprinting over to her bed, tearing the curtains open, and then jumping straight onto her, his elbow jabbing straight into her stomach

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Alestia had been woken by her younger brother slamming open her door, sprinting over to her bed, tearing the curtains open, and then jumping straight onto her, his elbow jabbing straight into her stomach. Yelling at him to get off her, she pried open her eyes and slid out of bed. Shoving her brother out of her room and closing the door behind him, and peaked open one of the thick curtains, immediately shutting it and squeezing her eyes from the bright like that poked through.

After getting ready and grabbing her suitcase, Alestia slid downstairs, allowing the railing to bring her down. Landing on the hard polished wood flooring, she almost slipped on her socks before breaking into a run and sliding into the kitchen. Hopping onto on of the cushioned stools at the kitchen island, she waved to Squinky who was standing on a stool next to the stove.

"You really must stop sliding around on those socks dear, you could fall one day." Sounded her mothers voice, who was sitting at the end of the row of stools, face buried in todays Daily Prophet. "If you're going to do that at school, just make sure you don't crash into anyone."

Rolling her eyes at her mother, she nodded before turning back to Squinky who had slid an omelette onto her plate.

"Hurry up Alestia, your brother and I have already eaten, we're just waiting on you now. Your mothers not coming with us, big meeting at least one of us must go to today." Her father called, sitting out of, presumably finishing packing for the Word Cup. His voice echoed through the halls, obviously charmed to be louder than it would have been. Quickly finishing the omelette, downing a cup of juice, grabbing a couple snacks from the pantry, she then kissed her mother goodbye before racing off to meet her brother and father. Clumsily shoving her foot into her shoe, her brother continuing to nag her to hurry up, she finally stood firmly and grabbed her backpack. Taking her father by the arm, her brother doing the same, they felt themselves being sucked away, landing in a spiraling frenzy. Hitting her head on the ground, she heard her father laughing a couple yards away, though her brother was no where in sight. Shakily standing, she walked over to where her father was to find that her brother had tumbled down the hill they were on.

"Suck it up Kye, I thought you wanted to go try and see Krum!" She yelled down to him. Being reminded of the famous Quidditch star, Kye quickly got to his feet and sprinted up the hill.

Walking through the camp, it was crowded with supporters of different teams, though a few who didn't seem to specifically support any mingled aimlessly. Throughout the crowd, Alestia spotted a couple familiar faces, or heads, as she could spot a group of red heads that could be no other than the Weasleys. She'd bumped into the twins a couple times, and had accidentally believed that their names were genuinely Gred and Forge, though she managed to mostly evade their pranks. Any time she spotted them, she slipped away, allowing another student to become their target, taking her potential spot.

Finding their spot, their dad set up their tent with a quick couple flicks of a wand, before he opened the flap for them to walk in. Inside the tent, it matched the interior of the house, mostly. It wasn't as clean, and there were merchandise from varying Quidditch teams scattered everywhere. Her brother quickly ran into his room, unpacking then grabbing his Firebolt and running out to find his friends. Heading into her room, she opened the door to find it exactly how it had been the previous year. There were two beds in the room, on opposite sides. The one on the left was hers, and the one to the right belonged to non other than Lillian Rinnigan. She'd be joining them later, but for now she was probably getting lost in the crowd of people. Unpacking, she carefully avoided hitting the rose that Lillian had left last year that was enchanted to stay perfect and fresh. Flopping onto her bed, she flipped through a interview with Krum from a magazine, waiting for Lillian to appear.

Not even a couple minutes into the article, she heard her best friend creep into the tent, shushing her father, probably trying to scare Alestia. Pretending as if she hadn't heard anything, Alestia continued reading the magazine, eyeing a picture of Krum, who seemed to be struggling to figure out a good position for his picture. Bracing herself as the footsteps neared, she held herself still when the door slammed open, Lillian shrieking and pouncing onto her own bed.

"I've just seen none other than Mr. Blaise Zabini outside his tent, and I swear he looked at me, oh I can't take it anymore!" The girl sighed, elapsing into small giggles.

Rolling her eyes and smiling, she bookmarked the page before flinging it aside. "You really have to stop fan-girling over him, you two are practically dating!"

"Are not!" Her blonde friend gasped.

"Are to, he asked you to Hogsmeade multiple times last year, so if you ask anyone, except maybe that one girl in the year below us, you two are dating!"

"Other girl?" She asked, gaping.

"Oh I don't know her name, but she's a year below us and is always eyeing Blaise in the common room. He hasn't noticed her though, so don't act all scared."

Shrugging in response, Lillian flung her suitcase over, groaning about how stupid it was that she couldn't just use her wand for simple spells like Wingardium Leviosa to unpack her case. Laughing, Alestia grabbed her magazine, continuing to read the interview.

By the time Alestia had finished the interview, which had certainly been annoyingly long, she dragged Lillian out to the camp once she finished unpacking. Arms linked, the two wandered around, buying a couple souvenirs.

"So who are you supporting this time around?" Lillian shouted over the noise.

"Probably Bulgaria, they have Krum you know, and Kye would probably murder me if I didn't."

"Where is the thing anyway, I haven't seen it in a while." Lillian responded, quickly jumping up to try and see more above the heads of the people surrounding them.

"It?! Did you just- oh nevermind. It- I mean he is probably somewhere trying to find Krum and get his broom signed."

"Well if he does find him he can tell Krum to ask me on a date because there's no way in hell I'd say no."

A/N: the wifi in my room is literally so bad so sorry for not updating oopsies

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