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(Song's for this chapter are Say My Name ft. Zyra - RAC Mix, Kidnap Me - Cruiser, and Punching In A Dream - The Naked and Famous)

Cayuga lake. The nights were chilling, but the days seemed to scorch. My burnt skin was soothed on the daily by the soothing waters of the lake. Summer break was usually spent sat at home, sprawled out around a dingy bonfire in the backyard of whoever was up for it. This year, I've successfully rounded up a group of 4 of my best friends, and we've traveled up here to Cayuga for the summer. How the parents of the few who were still dragging on at 17 seemed to say yes without a second thought was unbeknownst to me, but I'm not complaining, most of us are 18 after all.

We've been here in my grandmothers tiny old lake house for about two weeks now. She's reached the age where she can't come up here on her own anymore, but she can't seem to find the courage to sell it. She was happy to allow us to spend a month of our summer up here.

Sat under the pine tree next to our dock, I made small talk with Orion.

"You're getting really tan, lucky you. I look like a lobster." She smiled rubbing her sore arms. I looked down at my browning legs. I've never tanned this well, so I was slightly excited at her statement. I pulled my shorts up by the hem and stretched my legs out in front of me.

"This tan line is really ugly though." I shook my head. Just as I was criss-crossing my legs again someone called my name.

"Maggie, the Jenson's are letting us take out their jet skis, do you wanna come?" Noah appeared in front of me. I looked at Orion who shook her head.

"I think Orion and I are going to watch from up here." I smiled leaning back against the tree. He nodded as he ran down the steps to the end of our neighbors dock. In only a few seconds the rest of our friends came running by in an effort to catch up with Noah. I watched as they suited themselves in life jackets and mounted the jet skis. In an instant, they were off.

The bright morning sun had reduced itself to a dull light exerting itself to shine through the tree branches which seemed to mask the whole area. Noah and Wes were putting a 24 pack from our secret stash into an ice cold cooler for tonight. I watched Orion and Melanie set the picnic table while I spoke to my dad on the phone. I told him about how much fun we were having and that I missed him, the usual stuff. Dinner was fun, we seemed to eat hotdogs every night lately. Later that night, the alcohol burning through my body seemed to make me forget about the icy water engulfing me as we all took a clothed jump into the water from off the dock. My feet skimmed the bottom of the lake and I pushed myself back up to the top. My wet limbs collided with the others. Our laughter seemed to drown out the silent chattering of our teeth. Lifting myself onto the dock, I dove forward and submerged without a splash. I twirled under the water and looked at the night sky above me. The rippling water gave it a mysterious feel.

Running out of air, I resurfaced. I watched Noah push Orion back into the water through my wet lashes. Swimming back, I laughed slightly, the water barely touching my lips.

"Hey, looks like we've got new neighbors?" Orion turned around and took a glance at the lake house two down from ours. The patio light switched on and the door slid open. My attention was driven back to my friends when a wave splashed over my legs.

"Wes!" Orion exclaimed. "We were just starting to dry off. I looked back at the neighbors. Orion had risen from her seated position and was making her way back up to the house with Melanie and Wes.

I watched as two boys walked out onto the patio. The light took over their features, leaving me to stare at silhouettes. They seemed to be fixated on something out on the lake. Probably one of the floating docks settled out in the middle.

"Maggie." Noah called. I turned to face him. He pulled himself up onto the dock next to me, and followed my lead in looking back at our mysterious neighbors.

"Wanna go say hi?" He nudged my shoulder. I cocked my eye brow at him.

"I'm quite the mess, and it's late now. Maybe tomorrow?" I smiled running my fingers through my wet locks. He nodded and helped me up. He turned and led the way.

I found myself still staring at the figures. Noah had trailed way ahead of me. Without a sound, I ducked down behind the Jenson's back steps. Peeking up over the railing, I attempted to get a good look at the new neighbors. But when I lifted my head, they were gone.

"What are you doing?" My head whipped around to find Noah standing directly behind me, arms crossed with a slight smile.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me in the direction of the house I was just previously trying to creep on. I begged him to let me go, but he wouldn't. I must have looked like a raccoon. I could feel the way my mascara had smudged slightly above and below my eyes.

Noah told me to relax.

Just as I was taking his advice, my heart rate increased when two tall boys emerged from the same patio I was staring up at just ten minutes ago.

"Hey." The scruffy haired one said. He had an accent, a strong one too.

"Hey man, I'm Noah. This is Maggie. We're staying down there. Thought we'd come say hi." Noah said shaking both of their hands. The other boy made eye contact with me and smiled. His hair was a gorgeous dark brown color, with a spunky blonde streak mixed in.

"I'm Ashton, this is Calum." They both shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Maggie." Calum said giving my hand a squeeze before releasing it.

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