Episode 4

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Mr. Shue was passing out the new song we were going to be learning this week. I thought it was going to be an easy day until...

"Excuse me, this isn't in the right key." Rachael said making me regret waking up today, and in ever joining the glee club.

"Nope it's in the right key." Mr. Shue says, pointing out he never actually made a mistake.

"This is the alto part." Rachael says, trying to make sure he knew what she was talking about.

"Yep. Tina's doing the solo." Mr. Shue said, and good for Tina she deserves it. She is a good singer.

"I-I'm sorry. There must be some sort of mix-up." Rachael stuttered out. What was the problem this time? "I thought I made it very clear that anything from West Side Story goes to me." Well that is snobby. It is literally a whole musical with male songs as well. "Maria is my part." Seriously everyone was looking at her as if she was being the world's biggest diva, even Kurt. "Natalie wood was a jew, you know." Well that I think might actually be racist. "I've had a very deep, personal connection to this role since the age of one."

"There is no way you remember anything from when you were one, and were not doing the performance it's just one song. So, it's not a role." I said as everyone agreed.

"Matt." Mr. Shue says sternly

"Sorry." I say.

"Well, Rachael, I'm trying to shake things up a bit, get us out of our boxes." Mr. Shue said with certainty. I just knew Rachael was going to say something so dumb that Brittany would seem like a math prodigy.

"You're trying to punish me." Rachael said. It's not as dumb as I thought but there is still some time left today.

"I think you're being irrational." Mr. Shue responds as everyone silently agrees.

"I think you're being unfair." Rachael said. I'm trying my hardest not to laugh at that as she gets most of the solos already.

"I think you're being unfair to Tina, who might've been happy about getting her first solo." Mr. Shue says as he speaks the truth.

"Tina knows how much I respect her, and I think she would agree with me that she's not ready for such an iconic role as Maria." Rachael says with passion.  If she was a renascence artist this conversation would be her David.

"Wait, I'm a jet?" Mercedes inter veins breaking the tension in the room. I need to thank her. Then Rachael stormed off again.

"The more times she storms out of rehearsal, the less impact it has." Artie says.

"Well she never gets upset about anything reasonable, and this might of been the dumbest walk out yet." I say in response to Artie's statement. A few of them verbally agreed with me.

"Congratulation's Tina." Mr. Shue said causing her to smile as she did not lose her solo. "This is going well." We then had some time to get familiar with the music, but some people would just socialize.

Kurt approached Finn "Finn? I needed to ask you something." He said to Finn.

"Thanks, but I already have a date to prom." Finn responds, I actually laugh fairly loud, but luckily no one noticed. "But I'm flattered. I know how important dances are to teen gays."

"I'm not gay." Kurt said in response. I don't think anyone believes him when he says it, but Finn might of judging by his response. " I just....I needed a favor." The next thing I know Kurt is trying to become the kicker for the football team. I'm watching the practice from the bleachers with all the cheerios mostly staring at me. I was sitting there with my jacket next to me so my tattoos were on full display. Kurt then went to tryout and he played Put a Ring On It by Beyonce. I thought it was weird, but it got the cheerleaders to stop looking at me, and to everyone's shock he made the field goal.

After football practice let out which was weird. They were all dancing single ladies, well except puck, so I was just waiting outside the door. Anyways after practice me and Puck were trying to figure out what was wrong with Finn. He said that Quinn was pregnant. I was dying on the inside, and it might have been visible, because Puck asked me what was up. Finn left he was too distraught to notice luckily. As soon as I checked to see if the hall was clear I asked if he remembered my welcome to america/end of summer party. He said yeah and that he wound up having 4 different girls that night. Well I told him that I got laid that night as well. He congratulated me and asked me if my problem was she was pregnant, and I said apparently because she was Quinn. He said what as he went to punch me. I stopped it and told him that we were both drunk and  we didn't remember anything that happened. Plus, she didn't tell me about Finn until the morning after it all happened and we were both freaking out. Puck said that we needed to double check with Quinn. I said okay.

We did see Quinn the next day and puck walked up to her in the most inappropriate way "What's up milf?" My cousin is an idiot.

"Leave me alone" Quinn said as she walked away.

"Who's the daddy?" Puck asked fishing as I was staying hidden. I told not to let her know that I told her. "I just think it's kind of weird if it's Finn since you tell everyone your a virgin, and I know for a fact you didn't do it with him." This is really starting to scare me, but luckily he is keeping his knowledge of me quiet. He may not be bright but he is reliable.

"How can you be so sure?" Quinn asked. She is forgetting about bro code I guess, but Puck will probably remind her.

"Finn's my boy He would've told me." Finn said smugly. "Matt also would've we may be cousin's but by now were more like bros." Quinn visually widen her eyes at that. Puck smirked a bit.

"Well your sounding crazy." She says before walking away.

Puck decided to be a little more out there to get the confession he's looking for. " Well call the Vatican. We got ourselves another immaculate conception." Very subtle cuz very subtle. Quinn grabbed him into a private conversation around the corner. I walked up to them and I interrupted Puck before he went more insane.

"Quinn he knows after Finn told us about you being pregnant my face could not keep a secret. I'm sorry, but I will be there for the kid just like how my father was." I said to Quinn.

"Can you even get a job? I thought you weren't an American citizen?" Quinn says to me.

"I have my inheritance from my parents it is about 1.5 million pounds" I said to her.

"We live in America." Quinn said, I assume she doesn't know how much that is in dollars. "I had sex with you because we were drunk and I felt fat that day. It was a mistake. You're cousin is a Lima loser and you live with him. So as far as I can tell you are also a Lima loser." Quinn said that and it broke me inside. I started crying as she ran away. Puck patted me on the shoulder and took me away from people so no one would see me.

He asked me how much 1.5 million pounds was in dollars. I laughed as of course he would think of money, but he might just be trying to get my mind off of things. So, I told him it was about $2.4 million. He was shocked and said that we are going to Vegas. I laughed and said I had plans and that I couldn't touch the money until I was 18. He asked what my plans were. I advised him that I was going to get a Masters in Engineering and a PhD in Bio Engineering. Then I was going to open my own lab. Much like how my father did. I even have my dad's notebooks of some of his ideas that never got accomplished before his passing. Puck was shocked. I laughed at his reaction. We spent the rest of the day just chilling keeping my mind off of Quinn and the child until the football game came around.

I was sitting next to Mr. Shuester as the stadium was full which is weird because we loss to a school full of deaf kids. Literally. I don't understand american customs, but I watch these in hopes to see someone get hurt. I also would like to watch the cheerleaders, or at least one specific one, but not tonight at least. The game was pretty boring until The offensive line started dancing. I'm not gonna lie it was probably the most in sync I ever seen a group of people. They made a touch down, but then Kurt became a small town hero by making the game winning field goal. I'm actually proud of the small guy. Plus, I recorded the dancing and I'm going to hold it over my cousin's head. Today was weird, but it ended okay. When Monday came around Puck was being slightly harsh to Quinn. I hated it. Yeah, I was upset, but Quinn didn't deserve that. She was a good person. Then Puck surprised me by joining glee, as well as Mike Cheng and some guy who is also named Matt. He doesn't seem like he'll make much of an impact in glee so I'm not worried about the name confusion.

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