Yoongi-stuck in the rain

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Yoongi is known to stay in his studio for a long time. Sometimes for days or even weeks. Yoongi has been working on his mixtape and didn't notice the time. He promised Jin he would be home before dinner but then called and told him he had a meeting so he could not make it. So here Yoongi was in his studio after the meeting working on his mixtape. It was close to midnight when he looked at his phone. He had some messages and missed calls from the members but that didn't stop Yoongi. He had to finish this song before he deems his work done for the night. Soon midnight turned to one then soon 3, before Yoongi decided he was done. He saves his song and shuts down his computer before gathering his stuff. Once he got everything he made his way downstairs. He knew he had to walk back to the dorm but he was ok with that. He didn't want to be a burden to his members. It was 3 in the morning and they had to wake up at 6 for dance practice.

One bad thing about walking at 3 in the morning is it's dark. His phone was dead so he was out of light. He ended up going the wrong way, but he didn't really notice until he saw some restaurants and stores that are on the other side of town.


Yoongi quietly cusses to himself as he adjusts his bearings. But since it was still dark, the town looked different. He took a left turn in hopes it was the right direction to the dorms. Though the further he walks, the more unfamiliar his surroundings are. He wishes his phone wasn't dead so he could use his direction to find his way back. Then he remembers the missed calls and messages. Many of the messages were the members just checking on him, but a few of them were warnings about the rain that was on the forecast. In his devotion to finish the song, he never looked at the messages from his concerned members.


He dragged his feet along the concrete sidewalk, thinking about his mixtape, and what he could do to make it better. His mind was in all sorts of directions, even though he was going the wrong one. He took a left by a small cafe across the street, hoping it was the right way. He needed to find somewhere to charge his phone so he could find directions. On the left of the cafe was a small street light that was turned on, much to his surprise. He took advantage of this, walking over to it. He finally got to it, taking in his surroundings. He had no clue where he was. All he knew was that he wasn't with his members or at his studio. He was lost. Looking around once more, he decided it was best to keep walking. Maybe walk the way he came from? Which way that was, that was the question. He crossed the street once more, seeing the small cafe he had passed earlier. By now, it was starting to sprinkle outside.


He carried on walking, trying to ignore the fact that he was getting a little nervous. He was out, walking alone at night, no light to be seen anywhere around. For a moment he went to put one of his ear buds in his ear, before remembering his phone was dead. He couldn't even listen to music to calm his anxieties and make this walk a little less boring. He sighed, shoving it back in his pocket and carried on walking. By this point the rain had started to pick up. It wasn't the type of rain that had big droplets, it was the type of rain that has smaller droplets, but there was a lot of it. So now all that yoongi could see was the rain falling in front of him. The rain made it even harder to be able to see his surroundings. He could just about see where the edge of the pavement was, to stop him from walking in the road. If the rain got any thicker, he probably wouldn't be able to tell the road from the pavement. Luckily there weren't many cars out, being the middle of the night. Even though they live in seoul, a usually bustling city, it would always get surprisingly quiet at night, and this night seemed to be especially quiet, much to Yoongi's luck. That meant he couldn't even ask any strangers for help or at least use the light from their cars to get his bearings. It was starting to play on his eyes now, and he started to feel like he was going blind or something. He rubbed his eyes and still when he opened them, everything looked the same. He can't even use the light of the moon to help guide him, since the moon is hidden under a giant cloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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