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authors note: teehee okay so ur in love with filch hahha 🙈

You're a new student at hogwarts and you are sitting at the slytherin table. You made friends fast cause you're cool like that 😏. You chat away with Draco and Pug face Pansy while everyone is enjoying the start of term feast 🙈. Suddenly you see a man running down the hall with his legs in the air. (idk how else to describe it BAHAHAHA)

You stare in awe. Who is this man? What does he want? You're filled with lust as he walks  towards the headmaster to tell him sum. 
"Who the hell are you staring at?" The bleached rag Malfoy kid asks.
"None of your business condom" you snap back. How dare he interrupt you while you're staring at the man of your dreams. 🙄
Chile anyways, y'all head to your common room after the feast to get ready for classes the next day 🙄🙄🙄.
"y/n? I know we've just met but you seem like a really weird girl no offense. I saw the way you looked at filch." Pansy says not knowing your secretly falling for filch.
"Filch" you say in awe. "That's his name. Omg. Even his name is charming" 🙈. You feel butterflies starting to form in your stomach 😌
You go to bed thinking about Filch. You're gonna get him. You swear on it.

to be continued...

filch x me 🙈Where stories live. Discover now